Example sentences of "[prep] their [noun sg] at the " in BNC.

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1 Wales also filed a clean bill of health after their stint at the National Stadium yesterday with Mike Hall and Tony Clement , who had been struggling with groin and ankle injuries respectively , satisfying the medics .
2 Those who were cured after their night at the sanctuary were permitted to record their dreams and commemorate their recoveries on votive tablets , some of which have survived to this day .
3 Is n't it true , for example , that after their humiliation at the Bay of Pigs — an ideal mixture of cock-up and conspiracy — certain American and Cuban extremists began to think very ill of JFK ?
4 The occupation did nothing except to fuel the sense of outrage the Italians felt about their treatment at the hands of the older powers .
5 As we review the way teachers are feeling about their job at the present time , many of the experiences will be common enough .
6 Diane Maidment would be pleased to hear from any former staff members with an amusing , unusual or interesting tale to tell about their stay at the Branch .
7 Then a couple of women will clatter sweatily through a series of numbers , as close to the punters in the pub as their mum at the kitchen table .
8 The Clintons will have exclusive use of the house during their term at the White House , although they will not own it .
9 Some soldiers had said that when the war was over they did not want to take up Party work any longer : ‘ Many of them think that they have done enough through their service at the Front or also behind the front-lines , and point to those of similar age or younger who were not soldiers . ’
10 Slicker though Swansea were , Harlequins gained more than enough possession through their dominance at the line-out and the innumerable penalties to have expected more from the game — certainly New Zealand 's All Blacks will drive a far harder bargain when they play Swansea on 21 October .
11 Thanks also to the following for their help at the SAVE FACE PARTY ( sorry we missed your names from last month 's issue ) :
12 As it was imperative that they get to Paris as quickly as possible they embarked on a slow train , hoping to arrive in time for their turn at the theatre .
13 It was a clockwork existence for the children , but the rapturous applause more than compensated for their tiredness at the end of the day .
14 The Day was rounded off with a programme of display items from a variety of teams , including class teams , the National Display Team and our special 55+ team — for them the day was a successful dress rehearsal for their performance at the Age Concern Festival at the Royal Albert Hall the following week .
15 Hall Garth in Acklam triumphed for their project at the Clydesdale Forge Company , Hartlepool .
16 He praised Newcastle United for their initiative at the launch of the tournament between the host club , Middlesbrough , Sporting Lisbon and Real Sociedad .
17 Showing that their displays are appropriate for all types of buildings they picked up the third prize for their display at the Marriott Hotel also in Dyce .
18 For foot traffic , a distance of some 10–12 km ( 6–7 miles ) would probably have been a more-than-adequate day 's journey , especially if burdened with goods and needing to leave enough time for their disposal at the destination .
19 Terminals will cost around £500 ; on top of this , subscribers will have to pay for their information at the rate of about £30 per month .
20 Before yesterday 's game , both sets of supporters , who won plaudits for their rapport at the 1985 League Cup final , joined in a chorus of You 'll Never Walk Alone the Liverpool supporters ' anthem .
21 Members are requested to retain the papers for their use at the appropriate Committee meetings and the Regional Council .
22 If guests have no credit cards they are usually asked to prepay for their stay at the hotel and all incidentals in bars and restaurants etc. are on a cash basis .
23 Physicians for Human Rights , based in Boston , and the New York group Human Rights Watch brought the samples back last summer and arranged for their analysis at the British chemical weapons laboratory at Porton Down , Wiltshire .
24 Despite their indignation at the equally abrupt dismissal of the Second Duma , and at Stolypin 's coup d ‘ état in June 1907 , they resolved to offer principled yet constructive opposition in the Third and Fourth Dumas .
25 Students are not eligible under this scheme if they : have not been ordinarily resident within the European Community for the three years preceding the start of their course at the University ; or are on an exchange programme where fees are waived ; or have attended a course normally lasting more than two years and have received a UK statutory award for this study .
26 Yesterday , neighbours told of their shock at the murder in their quiet road in a pleasant part of the town .
27 The group of Principals and Heads of Department attending the workshop worked extremely hard and enthusiastically on some of the key issues relating to change in the context of their work at the University .
28 Within this trade unions , because of their location at the point of production , have a greater potential for oppositional action than an integrative Labour Party :
29 Other writers also complained of their treatment at the hands of benefactors , even when this had nothing to do with dedications .
30 Anyone who watched the drubbing poor Neil Lyndon received for his attack on extreme feminism , No More Sex War , and has a taste for more of the same will relish Not Guilty : In Defence of the Modern Man ( Weidenfeld , February , £8.99 , 0 297 81216 5 ) , in which David Thomas reveals the fruits of his researches into how The Guys have been Really Hurting because of their treatment at the hands of women lately .
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