Example sentences of "[prep] their [noun] [coord] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 They accepted us as long as we looked after their money and invested it .
2 The roles of parents and children gradually become reversed and children start to look after their parents and worry about them instead of the other way around .
3 All offenders should be supervised after their release and returned to prison to serve out their full sentences if they re-offended .
4 According to the twins , they were called in immediately after their lunchbreak and pointewd to a pile of brown envelopes .
5 They lived together for a long time ; she bore him children — who took after their mother and turned out to be demons too .
6 I also said that banks were not sufficiently up-front about their charges and made some suggestions for changes , such as displaying a poster in each branch and printing details on statements .
7 ‘ I heard about their discovery and hurried down from the priory .
8 No one asks male thriller readers questions about their reading and extrapolates from that to their political state of health .
9 Although many of the yeniçeri forgot all about their origins and became fanatical Muslims , behaving oppressively to their former compatriots when they were posted back into the Balkans , others , like Sokolović , kept in contact with their people and tried to help them .
10 And the informal learning that teachers could so usefully acquire from each other , through talking about their teaching and watching each other teach , is often prevented by overcrowded timetables ( and , of course , the vexed issue of ‘ cover ’ ) and/or by a staff ethos that discourages such activities .
11 Many people can talk about their life but experience a total block about how to change things they do n't like .
12 Pc Kelly told the jury he questioned the driver and passenger about their identities and noticed they had Irish accents .
13 He told the jury that he had questioned the driver and passenger about their identities and noticed they had Irish accents .
14 The irony is that the more people are encouraged to think about their behaviour and take responsibility for the impact it has on other people , the more they tend to become open and honest rather than furtive and clandestine .
15 During the day the main streets are full of activity , as people go about their work or shopping in the supermarkets or in the main fruit and fish market in the centre of Funchal .
16 This leads to senior officers and their departments becoming increasingly secretive about their work and refusing to discuss it with others who might offer a better sense of judgement .
17 Dicke and Peebles were preparing to look for this radiation when Penzias and Wilson heard about their work and realized that they had already found it .
18 The Federal government should , Boning thinks , help German scientists broadcast their results more effectively by providing facilities for them to publish in English and travel more to talk about their work and learn new methods .
19 So the former UEA student and Essex University press officer spends his time wandering around pubs , talking about their history and sampling their contents — generally working to promote the good old British pint .
20 They talked to me about their past and told me what sort of things they like doing . ’
21 In areas where armed secessionist groups are active , women face rape and torture to extract information about their relatives and to deter them from giving shelter to members of armed opposition groups .
22 In some way , Asshe must have found out about their meetings and forbidden them .
23 He 's absolutely fanatical about them — full of stories about their characters and sounding me about various treatments .
24 ‘ I wanted to show that we cared about their predicament and wished to conduct a genial and mutually satisfying transaction , and I thought the head of the company bothering to put in an appearance might do that . ’
25 We challenged and supported each other through the stresses of daily living , where women , who were at a particularly vulnerable point in their lives , had to make hard choices about their future and gain the strength to struggle through and survive .
26 The Asthma Question Box is a modified Psion Organiser that is programmed to ask patients questions about their symptoms and to allow them to record peak expiratory flow .
27 It appears that policemen and women the world over have similar views about their job and agree on what aspects of police work they like and dislike .
28 Not to talk about their loss but to have people to go to the pub , cinema , even on holiday with .
29 ( An ironic postscript is that a new generation of physicists is growing up right now that entertains certain reservations about orthodox quantum mechanics , themselves brooding darkly about their elders and muttering blasphemies about ‘ hidden variables ’ , a term held in unmitigated horror by this older generation of quantum theorists .
30 Some fat women are positive about their bodies and consider themselves powerful , beautiful , sexual , voluptuous and juicy , but many more of us internalise all the negative messages we receive about fat ( clumsy .
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