Example sentences of "[prep] their [noun] [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 People lied about their intentions up to the moment of voting and went on lying even as they left the polling stations , saying they had voted for Labour when they had voted Tory , ’ he says .
2 They tub the velvet off their antlers on to the trees and take off the bark but , , they do n't do enough damage to matter .
3 Carrie 's young brother was waiting to tie up a brace of barges to a river tug for their journey back to the Royal Albert Dock and he had taken the opportunity to visit his sister and her husband in the dining rooms .
4 After incubation and the exertions of tending their young , adults require the rest of the summer to regain condition and undergo at least a partial moult , then to fatten again for their journey back to the wintering grounds .
5 The need for accountability — no matter how much discretion those working in the public sector exercise they will ultimately be accountable for their decisions either to superior officers or to the public through the tribunal systems .
6 Eudoxus scorns this answer , arguing that it is typical of acts with failed human agency ( the ‘ good counsels ’ devised ) to throw the reasons for their failure on to divine agency , ‘ so as to excuse their own follies and imperfections ’ .
7 However , the couple found help for their son closer to home at the Brain Injury Rehabilitation and Development Centre , near BAe 's Broughton plant .
8 Many local authorities have moved ahead and are putting many of their services out to competitive tender .
9 Well it 's certainly clear that some of the companies , for instance Cliffhanger , which have grown in Brighton and developed Brighton as a base , are not just immensely popular within Brighton , but also very popular when we take them out on tour , or when they offer their services to other venues in other parts of East Sussex or Kent , and this is equally true of some of the community orientated groups , some of the musicians and artists who live and work primarily in Brighton erm their talent is readily appreciable throughout the region and therefore it 's part of our tactics to talk to artists who are operating in the Brighton area and see whether they 're willing or interested in taking some of their work out to other parts of the region .
10 The order allowed a deposit protection scheme to come into operation in the UK , under which depositors ( numbering some 53,000 in the UK out of a global total of around 1,200,000 ) could claim 75 per cent of their deposits up to a maximum of £15,000 .
11 The visiting of the iniquity of their fathers on to succeeding generations in the Third Commandment , the banning of ‘ he that hath a flat nose ’ , and the writing ‘ the fathers have eaten a sour grape and the children 's teeth are set on edge ’ are suggestive of the stigmata of congenital syphilis .
12 An account is given of their development up to 1988 .
13 There 's different stories about I know that long ago about men being put out of their putting out of their houses just to and they just er demolished the house you ken and
14 As their mother seemed already to have been in hospital for most of their lives , Alexander and Victoria saw no change and since the family followed the form of their class and delegated the day-to-day care of their children entirely to the nanny , the absence of their mother hardly affected their lives .
15 Seals take much of their food close to the surface , plankton and pelagic fish forming their main prey .
16 If , on the other hand , the teacher has it in the back of their mind always to be aware of the possibility of bringing into the work that 's going on in the classroom and bringing all they 're usually very excellent pedagogic skills to bear on it , aspects of the physical sciences , so that the children can get an early and meaningful introduction to it , then it will happen .
17 If , on the other hand , the teacher has it in the back of their mind always to be aware of the possibility of bringing into the work that 's going on in the classroom and bringing all they 're usually very excellent pedagogic skills to bear on it , aspects of the physical sciences , so that the children can get an early and meaningful introduction to it , then it will happen .
18 First , that the conditions I have described constituted a substantial interference with the residents ' enjoyment of their property up to June 1990 ; second , that enough residents were affected to constitute a public nuisance if it were not for his other defences .
19 Political sociologists , in so far as they are not engaged in mainly descriptive and historical studies , now devote much of their effort either to analysing methodological problems of the kind which I outlined in the Introduction , or to reappraising and reinterpreting those nineteenth-century theories in which the ideas with which I have been concerned throughout this book — democracy , class , capitalism , socialism , the nation — were originally formulated and diffused .
20 After Downes had been driven away , Morse and Lewis walked back to their own car , where Morse gave urgent instructions to the forensic lab to sent a couple of their whizz-kids over to the railway station — immediately ! — and to Kidlington HQ to see that a breakdown van would be available in about an hour 's time to ferry away a certain Metro .
21 Note too , the prehensile tail , which allows them to lift the forefront of their bodies on to their back legs to reach even further .
22 However , from the issue of the 1783 Quaker protest onwards abolitionists sent some of their material directly to persons of influence ; in the Quaker case members of the royal family , the principal officers of state and members of both Houses of Parliament .
23 Not far behind this overall vision of justice came his anxious consideration that the particular saints of each church , for whom the present community was only the trustee , would demand from their trustees a full account of their stewardship down to the most minute particulars .
24 The women of Baldersdale , as in all similar communities , went with their men in to the fields and byres and worked shoulder to shoulder .
25 ‘ I offer these with their privileges freely to the diocese of Durham .
26 Scotland rested in Sydney yesterday before their flight today to Hong Kong , where they are in the same pool this weekend as Tonga and Romania .
27 Manchester City 's Quinn netted in the eleventh minute in their match away to Port Vale , but the home side drew level with ace marksman Beckford after thirty six minutes .
28 ‘ His name is Matthew Blake , ’ Mandy informed Charity as they descended the steps from their cabin on to the paved pathway that led to the lodge .
29 Visiting researchers will be given the opportunity of submitting papers arising from their work here to this journal , or to other journals , with the advice and assistance of supervising scientists , and with in-house editorial assistance from trained and experienced staff .
30 HP boasted that over 100 IBM customers had already offloaded or replaced applications from their mainframes over to HP business systems and servers over the past year , and quoted Dataquest figures that show 46% of mainframes sites surveyed in the process of downsizing .
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