Example sentences of "[prep] say [that] it [be] " in BNC.

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1 The law used to look with disfavor on the statute of limitations , but I have been in the habit of saying that it is one of the most sacred and indubitable principles that we have …
2 Lewis contented himself with saying that it was the race that would decide who was the best .
3 Indeed there is a case for saying that it is the mix of ions of opposite polarities that makes the resonance formula adaptable and actually causes a self-tuning resonance .
4 ‘ I find myself in complete agreement with Professor Knight and would go further in saying that it is not credible that a karate chop to the base of the nose could cause a fracture of the anterior cranial fossa without considerable damage to the nasal structure . ’
5 However , where , as in the present case , there is an injunction in force , it seems to me that Mr. Langley and Mr. Philipson are right in saying that it is open to the court to consider the issue of validity , since , if the notice were indeed invalid , it could not override the injunction or give grounds for a variation .
6 The Reindeer is to push the car park back , half way across the grass , er which is er am I correct in saying that it 's putting it back where it was ?
7 The scientific underpinning of such an idea is necessarily speculative , but that is far from saying that it is a nonsense : such clouds are at least as complex , in terms of interacting molecules , as human beings .
8 Although this is both extensive and varied by the standards of most of the human sciences , though perhaps not of history , what it illustrates is the difficulty of specifying what is to count as data beyond saying that it is whatever material that researchers need to work with in order to pursue their inquiries .
9 During the lecture the speaker did not say why Lesotho was being developed , beyond saying that it was a contingency ‘ in case of emergency if South Africa closes its door ’ on the 50,000 miners .
10 As it is inevitably the biggest , toughest Orcs that become more important it goes without saying that it is the big Orcs who get bigger !
11 It goes without saying that it is not £75,000 in respect of each but the total earnings ’ figure which must not exceed £75,000 .
12 I think I 'd start off by saying that it 's probably and likely to f that you could find in the Greater York area , between six and ten miles from the city centre , erm one location which met every one of the twelve criteria , one hundred percent .
13 And he then justifies particular incidents of of er of violence and attack by saying that it 's the local tyrants , the , the evil gentry , the landless , the lawless landlords who have driven the peasants to do this anyway .
14 He later addressed the question of why this awareness only arises occasionally ( in The Interpretation of Dreams ) by saying that it is an expression of conflict about the will .
15 At a phenomenal level , what happens here can be described by saying that it is as if your perceptual mechanisms became fatigued by some salient characteristic of the adapting stimulus — its orientation or periodicity in the case of Figure 9 , or direction of movement in the case of the motion after-effect .
16 We often justify the fact that routinely-collected information is seldom used by saying that it is unreliable .
17 Now it is of course always possible to substitute ( x ) Fx for ( Ex ) Fx , replacing the existential quantifier , that is , with a universal quantifier plus negation , but there is nothing much to be gained by such a swap , for to paraphrase the proposition that something is human by saying that it is not the case that everything is non-human is merely to beg the question .
18 I do not know whether he wishes to reconsider what on earth he means by saying that it is a flimsy excuse : either it is part of the law , or it is not .
19 I would defend the system by saying that it is not inadequate in that it certainly guarantees quality and safety in this country , but it leaves much to be desired in that it is diverse and scattered throughout hundreds of different local authorities .
20 This is a difficult question that will be examined more fully later ; for the present I will answer it ( rather unsatisfactorily ) by saying that it is unusual for a syllable said on a level pitch to be so prominent that it would be described as carrying a level tone .
21 When the Frenchman , Charles Bonnet , was confronted with the argument that if preformation were true the first rabbit would have had to contain 10 10000 preformed embryos , he merely responded by saying that it was always possible , by adding zeros , to crush the imagination under the weight of numbers .
22 It is difficult to understand why the judges selected his design for second prize , as the assessors had rejected it by saying that it was ‘ Too expensive and involving too great a sacrifice of property ’ , and were supported by Brunel and Burn .
23 Mr Whitelaw dealt with the question normally by saying that it was no doubt a suitable kind of punishment for schoolboys , but it did not make sense for judicial use , especially because of the delay between offence and punishment .
24 Austen Chamberlain was equally enthusiastic at the time , but later put the occasion into somewhat more critical perspective by saying that it was the only time in fourteen years that he had ever known Baldwin to influence a Cabinet decision .
25 The poet 's wife tried to avoid going , by saying that it was late for the child and that she would have expected her husband not to be curious .
26 A UK Foreign Ministry spokesperson responded on the same day by saying that it was for Iran to make the first gesture and that the UK would " not accept Iranian intervention in [ its ] internal affairs " .
27 At dinner , he once shocked the wife of an Allied ambassador by saying that it was ‘ his cherished dream to make war and lead a charge at the head of his regiment ’ America 's ambassador in Berlin , James W. Gerard remarks that the Crown Prince
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