Example sentences of "[prep] not having [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She could feel the anger surging inside her and she fought it down , not wanting him to know what a fool she felt for not having been made aware of that fact .
2 ‘ And though some people may damn me irrevocably and for ever , in the nature of things my profession and my work will open new relations to me , that much fresher for not having been frozen , hardened , and made sterile by old prejudices . ’
3 These cancer surveillance programmes are now widely implemented despite not having been subjected to clinical trial .
4 Here , the elements which are selected as focal ( them , he , and was ) are not new in the sense of not having been mentioned before , but they are new in the sense of being in some way contrastive .
5 The concern then must be that when people start to suffer the rule of the power which has replaced the national government , their resentment against not having been warned of the full consequences of what was happen — There are signs that this may indeed be what is happening in Germany .
6 Do not use a social setting for suddenly coming out with all the reservations you may have or the frustrations you may feel at not having been consulted properly .
7 His relief at not having been made a fool of was matched by his curiosity to find out who the devil he was , this man Iying chest down on the wet flagstones , face turned to one side as though asleep .
8 Our man on the iceberg was clearly miffed at not having been picked up .
9 In the event , there were no rallies , but at the Supreme Soviet sitting Mukhammed Solikh , Erk 's chair , handed in his deputy 's mandate , in protest at not having been allowed to speak .
10 He said that he was " wounded " by not having been consulted by Shevardnadze beforehand , and declared that " to go now is unforgivable " .
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