Example sentences of "[prep] he as i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I think I thought I wanted to be part of that companionship too but knew it would conclude with my entry But that did n't have to happen because he was closing the kitchen door behind him as I arrived in the passage .
2 I will have to be a bit canny with him as I do n't expect he will be very well handicapped . ’
3 I knew that she did n't believe in him as I did because in that case I would have recognised her as I had recognised Mother Joseph , who inhabited a territory which I had visited .
4 Both sides of the House could and should support most of its provisions , but where improvements are necessary we shall be pressing them on the Minister , and I hope that we shall receive as fair a hearing from him as I have tried to give his Bill this afternoon .
5 In order to believe in the Devil we must rid ourselves of unhelpful images of him ( though we do not need to wax philosophical about him as I did for the doubting lady ! ) .
6 This crypt-room is so stuffy , the walls squeeze in , I 'm listening for him as I write , the thoughts I have are like bad drawings .
7 ‘ I 'm not answering these questions any more , ’ I said to him as I took my plate to the sink .
8 Werewolf stayed upright , but then he 'd never been as close to him as I had .
9 You and Osman , you and the Fry , though you have told me of your perfect freedom and exchange of ideas etc. were never freer than Edward and I. Sometimes I wonder that I can speak to him as I do , never before having known a boy , and having only you at times to ‘ let out , on .
10 you to do is er give me his telephone number so that I er contact him , offer the same service to him as I have to you .
11 I shall beam on him as I serve him lunch and if the old bastard is particularly unpleasant I 'll be able to reflect on how bad he 'll feel when he 's unmasked .
12 I screamed at him as I ran off through the woods .
13 I waved back at him as I cruised down the drive .
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