Example sentences of "[prep] it [coord] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There was nothing left of it but these things , as with cries of animal passion they allowed the storm that had brewed around them all summer to reach its thunderous climax .
2 So I mean it it was it was represented to me er and I felt that there was some logic in it that that this company would not be discussing this deal unless it felt it could make money out of it and that money in the end would have to come out of the local people here .
3 But the Working Party did not need to dally with morbidity indicators , since ‘ the reasons for the pattern of differential Regional mortality are not wholly understood but it is believed that Regional differences in morbidity explain the greater part of it and that statistics of relative differences in Regional morbidity , if they existed , would exhibit the same pattern as those for mortality ’ ( DHSS , 1976b , p. 16 ) .
4 She had often thought of it and each time she did Stephen 's face came before her eyes , as clear as some mystic 's vision , the most vulnerable face she had ever seen , the face of a brave child .
5 There is perhaps one northeast of Flaxton Village , another south of it and another southeast of the A sixty four .
6 Under the present definition of such schemes , the beneficiaries of them may include not only present employees of the company concerned , but also employees , or former employees , of it or any company in the same group , and the spouses , widows or widowers , children or step-children under the age of 18 , of any such employees .
7 The register and index have to be open for inspection during business hours by any member without charge and by any other person on payment of a small fee and a copy of it or any part of it has to be supplied to anyone on payment of a modest charge .
8 In those days the washing was done in a good old copper boiling on a Monday and light the fire underneath it and this sort of thing .
9 It is certainly true that many CAB clients would be unable to cope with it but many others , currently excluded from the bureau by long queues , would welcome it .
10 it was only occasionally , I mean no bother with it or each other
11 ‘ You 're not suggesting there 's a connection with it and this cross Adolph told you about .
12 When this type of harassment occurs , when it is continuous day after day , unrelenting in its viciousness , then tensions grow with it and those tensions can creep into the whole community until finally some incident breaks the self-control ; the pent-up fury of people is unleashed and often blind , mindless violence occurs .
13 For Marx , the value of a commodity is determined by the total amount of labour that has been put into it and this labour ‘ constitutes exactly the fund out of which surplus value , or profit is formed ’ .
14 The Express and the Mail saw the Empire Crusade as a means of uniting the Empire by encouraging free trade within it and both newspapers gave publicity and financial support to those by-election candidates who promised to uphold that line in Parliament .
15 The other had nothing in it but some make-up , a purse containing two pounds and some silver and a packet of cigarettes . ’
16 Prawns in it and all sorts .
17 Her room was so grubby too , with nothing but a bed in it and that bidet and that bit of rag for a curtain over the small old propped-up suitcase and some clothes .
18 and erm whatever you may need a stock and that and put sliced potatoes in it and some carrots and then on the top I 've put sliced potatoes and left them on top of the casserole , well later on when I came home I just took the lid off and stuck in the top of the oven instead
19 You get some lemonade with cyanide in it and some Coke with cyanide in and see what she drinks .
20 Think of the present problem with Bosnia there is n't a single er advanced industrial country that wishes to get engaged in ground warfare in Yugoslavia because there would be simply no point in it and any casualty er would be seen as a waste , as a throwing away of resources and you 'd have many casualties it 's argued .
21 Every commentator of the period remarked upon it and many explanations were offered — the rationing of goods , which involved equality of sacrifice ; the evacuation of the towns , which showed the middle class the relative deprivation of youngsters in the working-class urban areas ; and so forth .
22 Only those who know what they are looking for will stumble upon it and this seclusion exerted a strong appeal on the Ashleys .
23 Most of us , myself included , thought that this was completely pointless as the old name had a better ring to it and most people still referred to our boats as Revenue Cutters in preference .
24 Can you just explain how that would work though 'cos we 're now erm , auditing by job , are n't we , and given I do n't know the audit timetable I ca n't visualise the effect this would have but it seems that one could be making a change 'cos a particular , a job 's been audited and it effects Q P1 , or something one month , and therefore you make changes to it and another job 's audited the second , another month , the second month and Q P1 needs changing again , and it , in terms of keeping our staff with us , it will be quite conf , I think it 's not terribly practical to keep having constant change .
25 Jan just beat Bruce to it and both men laughed .
26 They attached a range of meanings to it and these meanings directed their actions .
27 Most public sector officials will be paid on a salary scale which has a number of incremental points on it and each year the official will advance a small step towards the top of the scale .
28 His old group Queen refused to work on it and former girlfriend , Mary Austin , said : ‘ It is cashing in on his memory . ’
29 After the show , he said he would make me one and so I said that I would really like a sort of Gibson 355 , like BB was using in the mid-'60s and I would like my name on it and all sort of things .
30 and you do bui plans of buildings on it and that sort of thing as well .
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