Example sentences of "[prep] it [conj] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 But it was no use bemoaning her fate — she must make the best of it and hope that time would eventually heal the biggest wound she had ever experienced .
2 ‘ Those who write represent despair , and those who read disapprove of it and believe that they have a superior wisdom . ’
3 But if you do believe it then you must also believe the rest of it and realise that our relationship is destined to move along quite different channels than purely business ones . ’
4 A mail message will be created to record the outcome of the operation and a mail identifier will be allocated for this purpose ; you should take careful note of it and check that the request has been successful .
5 A mail message will be created to record the outcome of the operation and a mail identifier will be allocated for this purpose ; you should take careful note of it and check that the request has been successful .
6 A mail message will be created to record the outcome of the operation and a mail identifier will be allocated for this purpose ; you should take careful note of it and check that the request has been successful .
7 A mail message will be created to record the outcome of the operation and a mail identifier will be allocated for this purpose ; you should take careful note of it and check that the request has been successful .
8 A mail message will be created to record the outcome of the operation and a mail identifier will be allocated for this purpose ; you should take careful note of it and check that the request has been successful .
9 A mail message will be created to record the outcome of the operation and a mail identifier will be allocated for this purpose ; you should take careful note of it and check that the request has been successful .
10 A mail message will be created to record the outcome of the operation and a mail identifier will be allocated for this purpose ; you should take careful note of it and check that the request has been successful .
11 A mail message will be created to record the outcome of the operation and a mail identifier will be allocated for this purpose ; you should take careful note of it and check that the request has been successful .
12 Of course , so few are aware of his background and he being , shall we say , a little unorthodox in his dealings with people , never seems to think of it or to realize that in some circles it might be of — of help to him .
13 I was so green I did n't know what was behind it and boasted that I could become Judge 's Baby when I got back to the dressing-room .
14 The question in the last sentence can not be answered , of course ; it is imponderable and we can go no further with it than to agree that it is useful to expose such uncertainties now and then .
15 I told the cleaning ladies and they came up and said , twiddled around with it and said that they could n't work out what was wrong and they were gon na get some engineers in or something , engineers ?
16 According to Wainfleet Ruby had asked him for a photograph of the escaped prisoner from the newspaper 's files , passed her hands over it and discovered that Sniffy was in Epping Forest .
17 well Mr says he discovered that after the Telegraph article and to document of the papers that relates to it that supports that , did you discover that too ?
18 So we 're parking illegally but the police actually have almo they 've said they will turn a blind eye to it if providing that we all do it sensibly and without and face like in the line of the traffic .
19 I have never eaten brawn — no doubt I should do so — so can not comment on it except to say that it is made from the pig 's head which is simmered with herbs and spices ; the resulting meat is set in the naturally produced aspic .
20 She chewed on it and thought that it could n't possibly be as rubbery as it seemed .
21 Get a few things on it and check that it works .
22 Much of the church 's teaching is based on a concept that implies the need to live ‘ holy ’ lives in this world , without expecting reward or recognition for it but anticipating that the afterlife will reflect something of the quality of this earthly life .
23 Right well it came up when War on Want wrote to us and asked us to affiliate and we had a brief chat about it and felt that there are many groups that we could affiliate to .
24 I am , I fear , betraying the confidence which a banker ought to respect for his customers , but I have thought deeply about it and decided that I must .
25 ‘ I thought about it and decided that it would have been very awkward both for my father and everyone else , not least myself .
26 Well , can I suggest that we look at Simon 's document and go through it and respond that we take the three proposals that Jenny has tabled , review and agree or decide to adjust and ask Stella and Rita to prepare for the next meeting documents then as assignments ?
27 Wexford leafed through it and saw that Hatton had paid twenty-five pounds for the lamp on May 22nd .
28 Further , I believe that you can choose any job , identify the people who perform best at it and show that , if you go back over their lives and careers , you will find themes , patterns and trends from which you can develop a selection interview designed to find more of them .
29 I used to gaze at it and wish that I could have a dog just like the one in the picture .
30 In the end , he told me , he got quite good at it and reckoned that this form of involuntary pitch training was responsible for the fact that he had a good musical ear now .
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