Example sentences of "[prep] it [adv] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The rebuff is that , having painstakingly laid a firm foundation , I must , in all honesty , now kick part of it away by revealing that certain misguided authors and publishers ( especially the latter ) have unscrupulously omitted all the data we require , printing books without dates or any reference to previous editions .
2 A letter to Rohde contains , half-way through , the sign " N.B. " and , at the end , the following : " At the point marked N.B. , a message came calling me into town as soon as I reached the foot of the page ; now returned , I am trembling all over and can not free myself of it even by pouring out my heart to you .
3 I could not be happy doing that , but as a pop singer I was in my element , because really all I d I did n't even think of it as singing , I thought of it , when I performed on stage as a pop singer I just thought of of it really of making love to the audience .
4 Would you recommend that I got rid of some of it then by paying my poll tax or doing something with it or use the money to live off ?
5 The president , Sir Lawrence Byford , talked me out of it yesterday by imploring me to stay and fight my corner rather than walk away .
6 They amazed us by leaping high out of the water and somersaulting two or three times before nosing beneath it again without missing a beat .
7 He dealt with it either by going off on long trips or by challenging it and then an argument might erupt , ’ Jane explained .
8 He led the way across the room to one of the white sofas , and dropped onto it gratefully without waiting for her .
9 And and and work from it instead of trying to remember the whole rule .
10 and use that as a reference so you can work out the others from it instead of trying to remember the lot .
11 It follows that if we know the exact pitch of the siren , it is theoretically possible to work out how fast we are moving towards or away from it simply by listening to the apparent pitch and comparing it with the known " true " pitch .
12 When she was in her teens she had even felt ashamed , having to confess to people she knew that she and her mother lived all alone in it instead of letting bits of it off as flats .
13 If you insure all the property in your flat against theft , fire etc. you have less of an incentive to make the place thief-proof and to check over it carefully before going out or going to bed than if you were not insured .
14 I mean the beautiful thing about Micromail is y you can get a a a a message up , you can immediately copy it to three other people , or thirty other people if you wish , erm and you can reply to it instantly without having to , you know y you just type a message in and press the button , and it 's gone .
15 I think we 're just gon na have to let him moan I would n't mind , but until last weekend , he never give a dickie bird about going to sleep I think it was that came in and set him off she should 've just left him on to it instead of trying to do it herself
16 Donleavy tried to make up for it later by arranging a champagne thank-you weekend for the Colemans at the DIA 's expense in an exclusive little Georgetown hotel , but by then they were almost too tired to enjoy it .
17 But he made up for it there by scoring a half century .
18 They adduce support for it mainly by removing misunderstandings and a few possible objections .
19 Ca n't you try to do something about it instead of standing there making sidesplitting remarks ? ’
20 At Sussex we actually make a third of the time they spend on the university component of their courses compulsory work in science — that is to say every student does it — so we can actually do something about it practically by looking at our processes of initial training and coming to realise what an important section of the world this is and training teachers accordingly , and not to leave it at that but to continue with erm progressive and planned in-service training of teachers .
21 At Sussex we actually make a third of the time they spend on the university component of their courses compulsory work in science — that is to say every student does it — so we can actually do something about it practically by looking at our processes of initial training and coming to realise what an important section of the world this is and training teachers accordingly , and not to leave it at that but to continue with erm progressive and planned in-service training of teachers .
22 In spring mulch the soil around it well after giving it a good soaking , this will encourage the soil to stay moist .
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