Example sentences of "[prep] a [noun] this [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She told herself that if she did not look up she would not need to see it and after a while this not-looking would become habitual , but in the event she could not prevent her eyes from turning up to the campanile .
2 To the extent that these arenas support and acknowledge people 's feelings and their search for greater clarity , they must presuppose a set of values that is different from the one which underlies the common staffroom ethos ; and after a while this clash of values may become explicit .
3 McClair stressed : ‘ Funnily enough , I 've never felt better after a game this season .
4 After a time this gentleman leant forward and tapped Baldwin on the knee .
5 After a time this ability becomes as instinctive as is the power of singing or whistling a note of any pitch desired , but it should be obvious that horn parts should keep to ‘ vocal ’ intervals or stepwise movement as far as possible .
6 Saxton Bampfylde represents a more recent example of a breakaway this time from John Stork — suggesting that there is still scope for start-ups in headhunting .
7 Me , I I mean , I 've done I 've done no work today because I went out to collect some stuff of a friend this morning and by the time I came in it was quarter past ten and I 'd gone out at ten to nine so I 'd missed the schools
8 I 've a , I 've had a bit of a migraine this morning
9 He had a bit of a cold this morning .
11 Rebel ringleader James Cran warned today they were ‘ quite determined to give the government a bit of a shock this evening ’ .
12 ‘ That you ’ When the offender is on the other end of a telephone this point is usually difficult to prove .
13 ‘ I 'd expect the Marketing Director of a firm this size to claim twice as much for overnight stays . ’
14 ‘ There could not have been much of a selection this time , then .
15 Getting a bit of a hazard this place !
16 You probably think it 's going to be a bit of a skive this afternoon , but it certainly is n't .
17 Well , it 's a bit of a sandwich this weekend , is n't it really ?
18 The Scottish Cup remains the Pittodrie side 's only chance of a trophy this season and no doubt the sponsor , Tennents , will welcome their participation in the penultimate stage of a tournament which was brought to life by the courageous display of Clydebank , who had seemed crushed and then reshaped into tigerish opposition .
19 It 's also a colour of cold — and we have n't had much of a summer this year — but at the same time it reminds me of the warmth and tranquillity of a Claude Lorrain .
20 SIX stage-struck students from St Mary 's Sixth Form College , Middlesbrough , seized the chance of a lifetime this week when they were offered the opportunity of working with the Royal Shakespeare Company , says a recent school report .
21 I FELT compelled to reply immediately to your story about the four children robbed of a father this Christmas by the carelessness of an alleged drunken driver .
22 My taken a bit of banging this morning in it ? , hot plate a bit of a bashing this morning .
23 it was a terrible and all of a sudden this man said , I 'll be jiggered !
24 All of a sudden this certainty is being called into question by dramatic changes in public opinion , and also by new pressures greatly to expand the EEC .
25 Then all of a sudden this car came hurtling round the corner with no lights on .
26 All of a sudden this woman downs her hoe and runs up to me demanding money .
27 Dong , sensing his brother 's fear , reached quietly behind him in the darkness with his free hand until his fingers brushed against the face of the malaria victim ; the clammy flesh , already growing cold , was slippery with rain and the sweat of the fatal climatic fever , and in the moment that his hand recoiled from the contact Dong knew that they would not be able to avoid the horror of a burial this time .
28 And I 'm very pleased I 'm gon na have a bit of a result this afternoon .
29 In the case of a hunter this training is far more intense , because the intricacy of forest paths and the difficulty of tracing animals demand the greatest power of observation .
30 ‘ Meanwhile I 've just signed with Stock Aitken and Waterman to produce my next records , and there are plenty of things happening on the television score — it 's all rather secret but there is talk of a sit-com this autumn . ’
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