Example sentences of "[prep] a [noun] at [noun] " in BNC.

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1 After a spell at Oriel College , Oxford , where he later claimed to have suffered a worthless and drunken tutor , he came to reside at Dumbleton on his grandmother 's death in 1690 and inaugurated a programme of rebuilding and improvement .
2 After a spell at Tie Rack , she found her own niche in socks .
3 LIKE Shakespearean scholars after a spell at Harvard Business School , the managers of the world 's best-known branded products have long pondered the question : what 's in a name ?
4 The boarding school was her father John 's idea after a spell at Grianan Training Centre — a school for girls with behavioural problems run by nuns under a strict regime — had failed to quell her rebellious attitude .
5 After a spell at Millbank as general manager planning , he went back to CIL as senior Vice President before moving to Melbourne as Chief Executive and Managing Director of ICI Australia .
6 After a spell at Leicester City , he returned to Wigan in 1989 as chief executive and took over team affairs when Ray Matthias was sacked .
7 Who can blame old Happisburgians for taking advantage of its generosity and picking up whatever the local currents and tides cast ashore after a storm at sea ?
8 A pensioner died after a fall at Sedgefield Community Hospital , Cleveland Coroner 's Court heard .
9 If a fond mum sends you back after a weekend at home with your favourite fruit cake , do you keep it in a tin under the bed and eat it secretly , or demolish it at one swoop by sharing it with others ?
10 Herron of Gosforth , Newcastle , was convicted of communicating false information after a trial at Newcastle Crown Court in October .
11 Alexander Ballantine , 51 , who was found guilty of driving dangerously by a jury after a trial at Dingwall Sheriff Court last month , was also banned from driving for five years .
12 Trainer John Sutcliffe has been fined £500 by the Jockey Club after a banned substance , Isoxsuprine , was found in a sample taken from Brunswick Blue after a race at Lingfield on Jan 23 .
13 The government brought dragoons from Edinburgh to restore law and order , and after a skirmish at Duchrae 200 rebels were taken prisoner .
14 Anyone who has done this will know the feeling of being cramped in with other tired people , strap-hanging , sweating after a day at work .
15 On arriving back in your room after a day at college , you should immediately ( do n't leave it until later ) transfer the day 's pages of notes to the individual Shelfolds that have been allocated one to each course or subject .
16 After a year at Grianan , which Sinead had voluntarily entered , she went to Maryfield College in Dublin .
17 After a year at University College London , he became MRCS in 1857 .
18 After a year at Royston College , Sydney , he went to school at Brighton College in England .
19 Yvonne Clark also moved her six-year-old son Ryan to Martinshaw this August after a year at Lady Jane Grey .
20 After a year at Oxford University , Edward went to fight in the First World War .
21 After a year at training college to qualify as a teacher , he had two years at a comprehensive school in St Neots , Hunts. , but he wanted to achieve much more as a music teacher and did so when he became assistant director at Sevenoaks .
22 SEVEN police officers charged after a demonstration at Mr Rupert Murdoch 's News International headquarters in Wapping , east London , won their attempt yesterday to halt criminal proceedings against them .
23 As the players left the field after a game at Bury , Speirs and a Bury player got into a violent argument , and when the Leeds players reached their dressing-room they found their way blocked by a hostile crowd of home supporters .
24 If you waited long enough after a game at Oakwell , you could travel home on the same bus as your hero .
25 However , it is not a particularly difficult race and the brindle who made his comeback in the Dundalk ‘ 525 ’ International after a period at stud , looks set to qualify safely .
26 He was a South African like Albert , but eventually settled in England and after a period at York City became a postman .
27 The Prince of Wales established an award for innovation in 1985 and his working group on innovation was set up after a conference at Highgrove last year .
28 After a shop at Sainsburys in Camden Town and a quick cold meat and salad lunch I set off by Tube to Finsbury Circus to one of the big offices of BP for a Management and Membership Committee meeting of the British Association of Industrial Editors .
29 She pictured Jezrael back home after a shift at Nutristem , laughing and ranting over some petty injustice , wry with self-mockery , a crusader with no shield but a vivacity she could n't even see .
30 Old people in lavender and tweed sitting against the neat hedges , and roses tumbling along veined and curled beams , timber drydocked after a lifetime at sea .
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