Example sentences of "[prep] a [noun] for which " in BNC.

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1 Lacking the elaborate Go-motion system of rods and computer control that Tippett had devised at ILM for the dragon in Dragonslayer ( 1981 ) , intended to create a slight blur as each single-frame shot was made ( since in real motion the subject moves fractionally in the one-fiftieth of a second for which one frame is exposed ) , they simply shook the puppet a bit each time .
2 This requires all new furnaces other than domestic boilers with a rating less than 55,000 Btu/hr to be , as far as practicable , capable of operating continuously without emitting smoke when burning fuel of a type for which the furnace was designed .
3 If the water flows into the shaft of an adjoining mine , with the result that the mine can not be worked for six months , the mine owner may recover damages , but the miners who lose their wages during that period probably have no remedy , not because the loss is ‘ unnatural ’ or ‘ unforeseeable ’ but because it is a loss of a type for which the law restricts recovery .
4 Analysis can only reveal the presence of a pollutant for which tests are actually carried out and it adds to the costs and time required ( another constraint , of which field staff are well aware , against sampling too freely ) to analyse routinely for pollutants on more than the usual parameters — BOD , suspended solids , ammonia .
5 A circular coil of diameter 20 mm has 100 turns and lies at the centre of a solenoid for which s = 0.3 m , d = O.1 m , and n = 800 , the coil and the solenoid being coaxial ( s = total length , d = diameter , n = turns per metre ) .
6 The character of this interaction between the mean flow and the fluctuations can be seen most simply in the context of a flow for which the two-dimensional boundary layer approximation applies .
7 You have selected to view the model sub state of a module for which no model subtype has been defined .
8 Herein lies the problem : the wood needs to be of a species for which there is a ‘ master chronology ’ ( see p. 125 ) and there must normally be at least a hundred tree rings in the sample to be dated to ensure a unique match with the master pattern .
9 Pat Williams told me she thought they were' a load of tripe' , but it was tripe that brought people into the cinemas for more than two decades and Ken became the staple part of a diet for which at one time the public seemed to have an insatiable appetite
10 Even those who do not share his political opinions readily pay their tribute to the range of his intellect and the graciousness of his character ; more remarkable still , even those whose intellectual qualities are the equal of his , but whose moral qualities have degenerated in contact with the sordid atmosphere of politics , never speak of him with an affected amusement as a religious bigot or a narrow-minded moralist ; in the remarks of these latter politicians I often detect a tone of rather wistful regret , as if they were conscious in themselves of a loss for which the world they have gained has by no means compensated .
11 This can be done in two ways , either by giving a description of a world for which the principle fails and proving formally that the description is consistent , or informally by appeal to a counterexample .
12 The problems lie in the presupposition that moral duty is an absolute rule in the sense of a rule for which there can be no exceptions .
13 At the trial of the action in 1979 Reeve J declined to take into account the supervening spinal disease and awarded damages on the basis that the plaintiff had been capable of light work , not on the basis that he had been incapable of work since 1976 in consequence of a disease for which his employers were in no way responsible .
14 It contained all the mementoes of an organisation for which pain and suffering ( military and personal ) became virtues , because they were experienced in the cause of the Legion and ultimately the cause of France .
15 I do believe that came about because of an incident for which Grandfather Hauxwell was responsible .
16 When , once , he had thought himself on the brink of an alliance for which he yearned , he was suddenly and shatteringly rejected .
17 FIG. 1 Analysis of an e.p.s.p. for which 250 trials were evoked at constant 0.1Hz .
18 One can characterize make here as evoking the mere production of an effect for which the " maker " is entirely responsible .
19 ( 188 ) can be compared with ( 154 ) — ( 156 ) above : make evokes the production of an effect for which the " maker " is wholly responsible , there being no other factor but the behaviour of the agent " you " involved in bringing about this effect ( contrast ( 182 ) in this respect , where room is left for other factors to intervene ) .
20 Often a horoscope is required for a date for which no observations are available , and horoscopic astrology therefore needs methods for computing the positions of the planets .
21 A file has been found for a module for which no magnetic copies should exist .
22 But before I leave this particular part of my criticism er perhaps er in case the minister er er does n't accept what I 'm saying I could quote er the words of the right honourable gentleman , the President of the Board of Trade er who writing before he was a President er in his book where there 's a will he said accountancy firms ought I believe , the debarred from doing any other work for a company for which they act as auditors and in a number of other countries there are laws which circumscribe auditors in this way and prevent to prevent any possible conflict of interest .
23 Budgets may be introduced as a medium for which expenditure is authorized .
24 ‘ Reasonableness ’ features heavily in the guidance as a yardstick for which services to provide .
25 It is simply that the most plausible stories now available about that evolution , including its very recent date and also certain considerations about the physical characteristics of the species , suggests that human beings are to some degree a mess , and that the rapid and immense development of symbolic and cultural capacities has left man as a being for which no form of life is likely to prove entirely satisfactory , either individually or socially .
26 For example , management training , which figured prominently as a topic for which there is most need of external course provision has been noted as being very suitable for courses run by own local authority central training units : ‘ Training courses designed to teach managerial techniques can be aimed at candidates from all kinds of professions and different departments , and it will be extremely beneficial for library staff to mix with colleagues from other departments and disciplines . ‘
27 It is about a principle for which people have been fighting and dying for centuries — the indisputable right to self-determination .
28 As many aspects of pupils ' achievement as possible are represented in the profile , in contrast with a test for which a single grade or mark may be awarded .
29 Gradually the movement spread until by 1978 , it was able to assemble 5,000 people with a petition for which almost 1,300,000 signatures had been collected , but the petition received little attention from the authorities .
30 Most often one is dealing with a situation for which mathematical difficulties preclude a full theory , but in which it is still useful to refer to the equations of motion in deciding what measurements to make and how to interpret the results .
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