Example sentences of "[prep] a [noun sg] if [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Do n't forget that it 's possible to start breastfeeding again after a pause if you want to .
2 Dick does n't follow him in fact he thinks the bloke is trying to get off with him which is a bit of a laugh if you 've seen the Indian women , until the Indian runs off and fetches Miguel who 's one of the guides .
3 It is true that embalming improves the appearance of a corpse if it is to be viewed by friends and relations .
4 Be a bit of a bastard if he pulls back .
5 The rib transfer needle can be damaged and , even though it can be easily replaced , it is less of a nuisance if you can avoid damaging it .
6 ‘ As a starting point we would like to see some sort of voluntary test similar to the German system which would then give anglers a discount on the cost of a licence if they passed , ’ added Robin .
7 er and then just put some er on bottom of a dish if you put a mixture
8 The verdicts are implicitly defining what is appropriate behaviour for women and suggesting that they do not have much of a safeguard if they stray into areas regarded as ‘ male territory ’ whether it be a barracks room or a street late at night .
9 There were sometimes they , they came , if they 'd been in action and er , the people had actually found blood and parts of the uniforms in the air gunner 's compartment at the back , and the , the fella , the navigator u and bomb aimer used to be in the nose , they had n't got much of a chance if they came down in there because they were right cut off from the rest of the aircraft so , but it was virtually a suicide position in the nose of the Bostons .
10 It 's so much easier to leave a child in the hands of a babysitter if you know that he or she will go to bed without fuss .
11 leverosatory rotating to the left you find these this prefix appearing in front of a name if it 's the compound is optically active .
12 It might be too much of a shock if we burst in on them without any warning . ’
13 The idea that we might feel , that we might be angry , that we might care , that we might even have what are disparagingly known as ‘ gut feelings ’ rather than hard scientific evidence , is held to be something of a problem if you are an environmentalist on the road to success .
14 Fallen leaves in autumn/early winter should not be that much of a problem if you have sited your pond away from deciduous trees , but often we have to make compromises , especially if space is limited .
15 It is not an easy thing to get rid of a body by dumping it in the sea , except from a boat , Of course it is less of a problem if you have access to a pier or a jetty , but most such places are public and liable to be overlooked , even at night .
16 ‘ I 'll take you up on that offer of a bed if it 's still going . ’
17 ‘ Every evening , the living room gets converted into some kind of camp by the children and smeared in food and footprints , ’ she laughs , ‘ but what 's the point of a home if you have to be precious with it ? ’
18 There are at least two situations where this is likely to occur : ( 1 ) where the aim in making the investment is to be ready to take advantage of a development if it occurs , and ( 2 ) where the investment is in the latest technology .
19 But seriously , I know what I 'd do if I was HIS manager , and the sooner that the authorities wake up to the fact that THERE IS a leeds united discussion list , a bit of a to-do if you ask me , the better it will be for the game …
20 A statement forms part of the res gestae of a case if it is made contemporaneously with or shortly after any act or occurrence in issue in the proceedings so as to form part of the same transaction .
21 so on a Sunday I used to say right I 'm not gon na take my tablets today because it 's a waste of a tablet if you 're gon na eat like that , and on a Sunday I used to be absolutely exhausted because you take them all the time and they keep you going and then when you stop taking them they 've just , you wind down
22 and a half , one over two the reciprocal of a half if you turn it the other way round it 's two over one
23 The match could n't have been more of a thriller if it had been written in Hollywood .
24 It was a test , I decided , with one hell of a reward if I managed to pass .
25 It 's blocking , it 's acting like a a bit of a duvet if you like .
26 Life in Benedict 's might be more of a riot if we had an S.S.O. who lived up to his potential , but the effect on our work could be disastrous .
27 If a girl says I want to be a nurse , is she asked well erm have you thought about becoming a manager of a hospital if you start off in nursing ; can you see your way ; how would you get to that position if you become a you know I just wonder , erm I doubt very much that that goes on .
28 ‘ I would have less of a headache if you concentrated .
29 You can recreate an electric guitar accurately enough , down to fractions of a millimetre if you want to , but can you recreate the thirty years of wear and tear that 's the main attraction of a knackered old Strat ?
30 They could adopt the title of a town if they wished ( LGBC 1973 ) .
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