Example sentences of "[prep] a [noun sg] i [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 After a bit I got up and — I went back .
2 He said it was quieter in there , but I could n't see the lay-by from his room and after a bit I went outside .
3 But after a bit I started thinking .
4 After a bit I stood and stared .
5 They asked me to help dress the models who wandered around showing clothes to the ladies having afternoon tea in the restaurant , and after a bit I did some modelling myself .
6 So when I bought a dog I decided to name him after a man I admired so much . ’
7 Then , it was elbow-dodging for the first few hundred yards , but after a mile I found myself in front .
8 She never revealed her own secrets to me but then after a while I made no more enquiries — I did n't want to do anything to lose her . ’
9 After a while I calmed down enough to rest myself .
10 After a while I thought I would help them along with some cellulite massage cream .
11 After a while I thought that as Dateline had been such a success the first time why not have some fun and do it again ?
12 After a while I thought , ‘ Hold on a minute , this is n't right .
13 After a while I thought I 'd go into the orchard and practise some chip shots so I went to get my nine iron .
14 After a while I saw Nour standing on the low wall gleaming naked in the dark light , looking defenceless and young .
15 And then I sat and watched everyone very closely , and after a while I saw Finn chewing and chewing , and then he swallowed it . ’
16 I looked sadly at the sea , but stayed in my box , and after a while I fell asleep .
17 But downstairs I rang the bell next to the black steel gates and after a while I heard someone coming to the front door .
18 After a while I married , and had three children , two sons and a daughter .
19 At first I was scared , but after a while I got used to it .
20 But a good spy is supposed to take risks , so after a while I tiptoed along the passage to Claire 's door and peeped in .
21 Neither of us wanted to rush things but after a while I told myself , do n't be stupid , she 's special — go for it . ’
22 Chemically-induced terror can be dispersed , I 've found , by concentrating on horrors in the real world , so I thought of That 's Life and VAT and Mrs Thatcher , and after a while I began to feel better .
23 After a while I began to feel a little like Dorothy myself .
24 At first this left me speechless , but after a while I began to ask ‘ Why ? ’
25 I was terrifically embarrassed , but Karen did not once so much as glance in my direction , and after a while I began to suspect that she had made a mistake too .
26 After a while I began , for the first time in months , to sing .
27 My father was never to speak or write to me again , but after a while I began to hear from my mother .
28 At first my eyes and ears did not work very well , but after a while I began to see and hear clearly .
29 After a while I began to understand some of the noises that the people made to each other .
30 But after a while I began to think there was more to it than that , and I did n't know how to handle it .
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