Example sentences of "[prep] be make [prep] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Finally , look after your health — if you are really going to the top enormous demands are going to be made on your time and strength and you can not afford to be careless . ’
2 The sections in the Magistrates ' Courts Act 1980 which give justices ' courts power to adjourn are : section 5(1) , adjournment of an inquiry into an offence as examining justice ; section 10(1) , adjournment of the trial of an information ; section 18(4) , the power to adjourn proceedings under sections 19 to 23 of the Act , that is to say the procedure which has to be followed where the information charges the defendant with an offence triable either on indictment or summarily ; and section 30 , a duty to adjourn the case to enable a medical examination and report to be made where the court is satisfied that the accused did the act or made the omission charged but is of the opinion that inquiry ought to be made into his physical or mental condition .
3 Though there is a case to be made for its use as an educational medium — and the BBC 's contribution to the Open University at Milton Keynes has been considerable , if politically questionable , and will continue despite the closure of their studios in a fine example of accountant 's false logic — this has not been the main area of impact .
4 A classic example of this is the need some elderly people have to talk about death — often their own death in particular , even to the point of wanting to discuss very freely the kind of arrangements they would like to be made for their funeral : how it should be conducted , what hymns should be chosen , and who should be invited to it and to the family gathering afterwards .
5 ‘ Mooty ’ as the case may be , it is unlikely that there are many good points to be made for your side .
6 2 Choose a patient who has had major surgery and list all the arrangements that will need to be made for his discharge home .
7 In the course of a short time the farmer was sufficiently restored to relate his own story , as already recited , and in gratitude for his miraculous escape ordered a silver collar to be made for his friendly protector , as a perpetual remembrance of the transaction .
8 The interview survey will look at both local intervened-in and non-intervened-in firms to allow conclusions to be drawn about the effectiveness of past interventions , and perhaps more importantly prescriptions to be made about their future direction .
9 My agent has suggested that I allow a film to be made about my life .
10 ‘ We might even fight Tucker first , but until Lennox 's coronation on January 14 , I do n't expect a firm decision to be made about his first defence . ’
11 And when William came back from Germany and a decision had to be made about his education , he argued that it made sense to send him to the state school , the same as Preston .
12 Tennis Courts As Mr. R. Horsfall has retired contact will have to be made with his successor Mr. J. McKay .
13 Tennis Courts As Mr. R. Horsfall has retired contact will have to be made with his successor Mr. J. McKay .
14 Since everyone had recovered from their outing in the bar the previous night , Kevin Sinclair and Phil Gore braved the terrors of claustrophobia and , straws pushed firmly into their noses , allowed ‘ life masks ’ to be made of their faces .
15 If a movie were to be made of her American tour , one would see pages fly from calendars , clock hands spin and headlines slapped one on top of the next .
16 My Heart bleeds to see the Concern he is in ; and it would be the utmost Satisfaction to me , if I could hope any thing of mine could contribute to his comfortable Subsistence in his old Age : I therefore beg of you to take the Key of my Buroe ; and if any thing is to be made of my poor Papers , that you will , for my sake , endeavour to promote a Subscription for his Benefit , which you so kindly have propos 'd for mine
17 Due to the nature of our operations short-notice alterations had to be made to our notified programme because of weather or operational problems .
18 What alterations need to be made to our programme and the structure and decor of the building to make them more adaptable and attractive ?
19 The more he thought about it , the more he realized that only a slight change would need to be made to his own plans .
20 The necessary telephone calls would have to be made from his own flat .
21 There is little wrong with the tenor and even toughness of the Code but its weakness is that it is unrealistic when crucial choices have to be made by its members .
22 All decisions had to be made by his two corps commanders .
23 Lignite Action Group ( LAG ) set itself a three-fold objective : to gather ‘ information concerning the future in relation to what major changes would take place ’ ; to participate ‘ in any discussions and decisions which are to be made concerning our lives ’ and ‘ to be consulted and have our fears and wishes for the future of the community respected and given a fair hearing ’ .
24 He then went on to consider whether the further proceedings would be against the children 's interests under four heads : ( 1 ) the disturbing effects on the children of further investigation ; ( 2 ) the fact that , under section 91(1) , if in respect of any child a residence order were made in favour of the foster mother , the existing care order to the local authority would be discharged ; ( 3 ) the shared parental responsibility between the foster mother and the mother which would result from section 12(2) conferring parental responsibility upon the foster mother if a residence order were to be made in her favour ; ( 4 ) the time that would be likely to elapse before any substantive order could be made .
25 Enterprises were to be compensated for expenditure on equipment and construction and for outlay incurred because of the price reforms , and concessions were to be made in their hard-currency and social insurance contributions to the state budget .
26 When this is translated into personal terms , it means among other things that at some point in his or her career a teacher will have to look at its pattern and will have to pay attention to changes which ought to be made in his or her work-role .
27 ‘ Plan of ye intended improvements to be made in your Physic Garden at Chelsea ’ c.1732 , Edward Oakley , architect
28 The full moon 's appearance in your sign calls for changes to be made in your personal life .
29 Every business transaction will therefore require two entries to be made in our books — one representing value going out , the other representing value coming in .
30 Industrialists heading soon-to-be privatized enterprises , while supporting calls to relax monetary policy , could not concur with the calls for strikes and for a new government , which parliamentarians and trades union leaders were perceived to be making for their own political motives .
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