Example sentences of "[prep] be [vb pp] [prep] british " in BNC.

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1 Lugard also laid down an elaborate protocol for dealing with the emirs and chiefs , who were to be treated by British officers with the precise degree of courtesy — and no more — which their rank deserved .
2 We are told by our leaders that new killing fields around the world have to be serviced by British soldiers and that more , not fewer , men are needed .
3 The French bank is the latest in a string of financial advisers to be sacked by British groups after backing hostile takeover bids .
4 By July , Hoare was forecasting that before long refugees will ‘ have to be supported from British public funds if scandal is to be avoided ’ .
5 In addition , depending upon the location of the property , enquiries may need to be raised with British Rail , National Rivers Authority , British Coal , the British Waterways Board or London Regional Transport .
6 The workers , who used to be employed by British Rail Maintenance , have also deposited redundancy payments , running into six figures , with the Royal Bank .
7 Yet in tackling the nastier aspects to be seen in British trade unionism by the late 1970s , the Government itself has adopted an equally obnoxious bullying style that is characteristic of much of its activities .
8 A deal was struck under which Britain would allow US Cruise missiles to be sited on British soil .
9 ‘ I 've been an Overseas ’ Corporation Executive for the last ten years and I 've always been told that the reason the Corporation could n't pay me the salary it paid to Americans doing similar work was because my salary had to be related to British salary scales . ’
10 Advice on the detailed contents of BGS archives relating to proposed coal extraction continued to be provided to British Coal , under post-Lofthouse arrangements .
11 This use seems to be confined to British English .
12 Similar inequalities are to be found in British sociology .
13 There are even bits in the one-page bill which do not need to be brought into British law as a result of the treaty .
14 The Chinese approach to landscape , including the forces underlying their concept of dragons , will be examined in the next chapter , which may enable parallels to be drawn with British examples .
15 Contrary to some reports it does not automatically open the way for the social chapter to be drawn into British law .
16 They therefore had no wish to be restricted by British manoeuvring for postwar influence , and were unsympathetic to British demands for international control .
17 HOLLYWOOD 'S version of Andrew Morton 's controversial best seller , Diana : Her True Story , is to be shown on British television .
18 Simply , if we donate money , we should expect it to be spent on British goods .
19 THE controversial film Cathy Come Home is to be screened on British television for the first time in 17 years in as attempt to highlight the plight of the homeless .
20 ON being mistreated by British Rail most passengers probably prefer to forget the experience , get on with their lives and make a mental note to take night classes in the ridiculously complicated ticket system .
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