Example sentences of "[prep] be [art] [adj] one " in BNC.

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1 You would of got two cos you would of been a big one wo n't you ?
2 Cor I should n't of been there I think I should of been the next one along
3 It is the fervent hope of most Celtic supporters that Rangers are eliminated from Europe , of course , so that their team retains the distinction of being the only one from Scotland ever to have won that trophy , albeit 26 years ago .
4 Nothing is done to prevent the snake from eating a frog : each frog merely does what it can to reduce its chances of being the unlucky one .
5 One child can be given the label of being the naughty one which lets the other children in the family off the hook .
6 The days of being the last one to leave any night out — ‘ I was the sort who was afraid he was missing out on something ’ — were then at an end .
7 The fight to stay up looks like being a long one .
8 The fight to stay up looks like being a long one .
9 As Boys ' Own adventures go , this looks like being a grand one .
10 THE story of the twins who died in a barn fire after having sex with the men they were with is a tragic one .
11 The law of nuisance , therefore , affords little or no protection either to a complainant who is unduly sensitive to an odour emission , or where the use interfered with is a sensitive one , as when the taste of biscuits manufactured under controlled conditions , was adversely affected by odorous fumes from a source a few miles away .
12 ‘ Perhaps , too , as parents you may be wondering , like I do frequently , whether the educational system you are confronted with is the right one to produce the kind of balanced , tolerant , civilized citizens we all hope our children can become ?
13 But we need to get our moral thinking clear on this matter all the more because in the first stages of unbridled conflict both sides seem to be suggesting that there really was no moral problem at all because the principle that they were obsessed with was the only one that mattered .
14 The setting of our considerations of homosexuality is , in fact , far from being a straightforward one .
15 Only the fact that these strong fibres are generally quite small prevents the operation of breaking them from being a dangerous one .
16 In both books , neither community were prepared to give the outsiders a chance , it 's their obvious ignorance and old ways which prevent their neighbourhood from being a complete one .
17 The choice of a slow , careful style is made for the sake of convenience and simplicity ; learners of English need to be aware of the fact that this style is far from being the only one they will meet , and teachers of English to foreigners should do their best to expose their pupils to other varieties .
18 This example was far from being an isolated one .
19 And as long as this country persists in being the only one in Europe which does n't have a subsidised railway service , Barbara and everyone else with a car will continue to be put off going by rail .
20 ‘ Any landing you walk away from is a good one , ’ she exclaimed as they taxied in to the small terminal .
21 This deal I 'm involved in is a big one .
22 This was going to be a sore one , she reflected .
23 It used to be a marvellous one
24 For many people , singing or playing at services is perhaps their only link with the Church , and it may well prove to be a temporary one .
25 Thus the process would have to be a gradual one .
26 The break was intended to be a long one , possibly a year or two .
27 The year of 1980 turned out to be a great one for British sprinting .
28 Because we want the debate to be a real one , we published with the Bill the draft immigration rules which will follow its successful passage , so those rules can be discussed at the same time as the Bill and , if and where necessary , improved .
29 The project was to be a three-year one and was to employ one action project development officer in each of the two locations ( employed by Age Concern at its Research Unit ) and three researchers ( two employed by Age Concern at its Research Unit , and one , a research psychiatrist , employed by Guy 's Medical School ) ; in addition , the funding ( which amounted in total to approximately £250,000 ) was to cover the wages of local people to be employed specifically to work with dementia sufferers .
30 Since the English and their local supporters wore red crosses , their cause could be seen , meteorologically , to be a lost one ; they decided that ‘ God wanted that they should be French ’ , and French they became .
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