Example sentences of "[prep] be [art] [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 He had some stuff nicked , a ski jacket which cost me seventy five quid it were half , the rest it should of been a hundred and fifty
2 Mm , that 's marvellous , so it should of been a hundred and forty five .
3 One thinks of the religious maniac who gripped one 's hand too firmly , hours earlier , on the Metropolitan Line and asked one , sincerely , to ‘ repent , ’ of the strange fellow who took umbrage at the book one was reading-The Boss ; J. Edgar Hoover And The Great American Inquisition-and accused one , for some unaccountable reason , of being no better than Norman Tebbit .
4 She also has a reputation , which I would endorse , of being a loyal and generous friend .
5 Dostam 's support for Masud had signalled the end of the Najibullah regime , but Hekmatyar accused him of being a communist and a war criminal .
6 As it pounds through Granite Rapid , the Colorado River gives every appearance of being a wild and untamed torrent , but this is an illusion .
7 Lee Simmons became director of TDC in 1930 with a reputation of being a hard but completely honest law enforcement officer .
8 But it looked like , instead of being a clenched and threatening fist , they would present a welcoming , open hand .
9 The department enjoys the advantages of being a compact and friendly department of about one hundred and fifty undergraduate students , whilst belonging to a large Faculty of Science and Engineering .
10 On 18 February 1992 at the Crown Court at Snaresbrook , before Judge Rucker and a jury , the appellant , Yash Pal Kansal , was convicted of obtaining property by deception , contrary to section 15(1) of the Theft Act 1968 , of being a bankrupt and removing property , contrary to section 354(2) of the Insolvency Act 1986 , and of being a bankrupt and failing to account for property , contrary to section 354(3) of the Insolvency Act 1986 .
11 On 18 February 1992 at the Crown Court at Snaresbrook , before Judge Rucker and a jury , the appellant , Yash Pal Kansal , was convicted of obtaining property by deception , contrary to section 15(1) of the Theft Act 1968 , of being a bankrupt and removing property , contrary to section 354(2) of the Insolvency Act 1986 , and of being a bankrupt and failing to account for property , contrary to section 354(3) of the Insolvency Act 1986 .
12 His tenure there is generally agreed to have been particularly successful , despite the fact that he used to have the reputation of being a difficult and wayward man .
13 By making it possible for a vivid and urgent desire for power to exist alongside a consciousness of being the legitimate and predestined possessor of it , they kept the edge on the governing classes .
14 This latter award reminds me of a key feature of being the best and that is teamwork .
15 My Lords , I er apologise first of all that I was not able to hear some of the earlier speeches in this Debate erm but it does seem to me a most interesting Debate and I have to confess that I always become slightly uneasy er when the great and the good , and I suppose we should collectively cast ourselves in that role of being the great and good of the establishment are all of one view and I wonder whether it is necessarily right and so I begin to question er whether your Lordships enthusiasm for many of these amendments and their attack upon the Government 's proposals is necessarily as soundly based as we might think if we just listen to casually to it all .
16 Thus , tired of being the poor and comparatively impotent relation , General Synod is now chafing at the bit .
17 ( I was determined to combat in advance any risk of being taken over by G(R) , the Middle East equivalent of S.O.E. , which was already showing signs of being the monstrous and inefficient octopus it later became ; or coming under the control of the Director of Combined Operations . )
18 Few prior to Jones had cared to admit this seditious point except in the columns of the Police Review , where disgruntled beat officers ( often anonymously ) indicate the paradox of being the revered and reviled base on which all the hierarchy is built .
19 Plug in an external hard drive to a serial port — this has the advantage of being the easiest but it has the disadvantage of being the most expensive .
20 For the broadcasters , the licence fee had the advantage too of being an assured and predictable form of income .
21 It gives fellowship with their colleagues , and also gives them a feeling of being an active and useful member of the everyday world .
22 Another video weakness to guard against is the coarse and grainy look of plain surfaces in bright primary colours , especially reds .
23 So far the TUC has begun a series of training seminars with Solidarity aimed at pushing it away from being a political and highly regionalised organisation into being an industrial and truly national one .
24 The train slid out of Winnipeg on time at eight-twenty and I put all my energies and attention into being an unexceptional and adequate waiter , even though always conscious of the ominous presence in the aisle seat , facing forward , three tables back from the kitchen end .
25 The expanding volume of traffic not only brought into being the colourful and idiosyncratic travelling labour force of the canal boatmen but also increased the need for short-haul overland carriage , more expensive in cost per mile than long-haul and needing just as much muscle in loading and unloading .
26 In love with Kee , he had taunted Theo with being no more than a ‘ Man of business ’ .
27 So far the TUC has begun a series of training seminars with Solidarity aimed at pushing it away from being a political and highly regionalised organisation into being an industrial and truly national one .
28 The headquarters of the GLC , the great pile of County Hall , changed from being a tedious and unloved administrative centre to become the Right-On rival to the House of Commons directly across the River Thames .
29 Far from being a luxury or a peripheral activity , music often meets basic needs : ‘ There exist a good many people for whom music is so important that it is difficult for them to conceive of life without it .
30 In addition to their genetic differences they will each have a different nurturing experience within their family , for example being the first born and only child is different from being the second or third child of parents already used to dealing with small babies and the noise , bustle and demands of older siblings .
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