Example sentences of "[prep] be [prep] [pron] [det] " in BNC.

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1 bloody hell , that must of been hard work that , they must of been at it all day
2 and I know la well some time when retirement was looking on the on the horizon I was saying to him you 're not alone but , you know , you 've got ta be looking towards being on your own because of course
3 She found herself talking too , drawn by some required exchange of confidences and a dislike of being on her own , discussing the gardens , the weather , other people 's dogs , safe everyday subjects , in the way she made conversation at parties to people she had n't met before .
4 Her pregnancy thankfully gave her a little relief from the enormous output normally expected of her , and her stay with the Franklins was a welcome respite from the boredom and loneliness of being on her own , as she wrote on 9 January :
5 The blow was almost as great for John , who had begun to enjoy a family background after years of being on his own or part of a split family .
6 Does my right hon. Friend agree , in the calmness of being on his own , that all this is just trendy nonsense ?
7 I hated the idea of being on my own .
8 After so many years of being on my own I really do n't want to settle down and commit myself to a relationship .
9 Such a conception of the imagination as mediator controls Hilton 's use of language in chapters eighteen to thirty as he tries to convey understanding of reformation in feeling : a state which combines both a sense of continual movement with an awareness of a state of being in which such movement is no longer necessary .
10 Even in the long-ago undercover work on the weekly magazine , she had always worked with the comforting feeling of being in her own country , with the big battalions immediately behind her .
11 Second , related to the first and to the awareness of being in their own skin , they learn that it is proper and effective to signal for what they need .
12 The National Child Development Study , a longitudinal study of a group of children born in 1958 , showed that the children of owner-occupiers had four times the chance of being in their own owned home rather than in a local authority rented home at age 23 in 1981 , compared with those children who were in the local authority sector at age 7 ( Social Trends 15 , Table 8.11 ; see also Jones , 1987 ) .
13 they travel up the stairs your , you knew this room and when , with being in it all the time you , you know you , your nose gets
14 In The Ring his pride in being on his own had met with confusion and Isaac and Seth , too , seemed to challenge what he wanted , what he believed in , how he lived — though understandingly enough , he knew .
15 So above all acknowledgments , I want to thank God for his inexpressible generosity in giving the Holy Spirit to us fallen human beings , to be to us both the means of grace and the hope of glory .
16 Generally , they were the cast-offs of two children in the house who happened to be about her own age , and this could mean a pretty frock coming her way , but only if , Mrs Aggie said , she kept her nose clean .
17 Yet vestigial gestures towards value persist , usually at the end of an exposition , where the critic in a final flourish claims , or at least hopes , that something valuable has emerged from the analysis ; a revelation of the quality of the author 's imagination ; or of the inevitable tendency of all texts to be about their own processes of composition , or to come apart in the reader 's hand ; or of the aesthetic fascination of the patterns of imagery that have been revealed ; or , at the very least , and least interestingly , that something ‘ interesting ’ will have been said .
18 ‘ I 'm tired of being manoeuvred into painful and irritating situations that are supposed to be for my own good .
19 I 'm subbing Neil but that 's out of money which he gives me and which really in theory ought to be for my own , own use you know for fun but I get housing benefit for him , from the council .
20 Officials said yesterday that Robert Lock , 29 , from Cambridge , had been on remand after a court hearing last week when police detected the heroin , believed to be for his own use .
21 Put very simply , what the child feels in his subconscious mind is this : ‘ If this wonderful human being really loved me , he ( or she ) would want to be with me all the time .
22 I felt that I needed someone to be with me all day and all night .
23 from longing to be with her all the time .
24 Well I do n't agree with that , I think that when your in love with someone you want to be with them all the time , you think about them during the day , you think about them at night , you just want to be with them and usually you like how they look , you like how they talk , they like , you like how they treat you and er to me that 's , its wonderful , just
25 The dining room was filled to capacity for our evening meal , a chance to renew friendships and meet up with pilgrims travelling by mini-bus to be with us all .
26 We are pleased to announce that gave birth to a son , on 29 September , mother and son ‘ doing well ’ and promises to be with us all at the January meeting .
27 The popular budget and mid-priced range from EB seems not to be with us any more , alas , but the importers are bringing in a good looking range from Gravity which they hope will take over from where EB left off — prices from about £45 to £55 .
28 I do n't want to be with you all the time .
29 I hope very much to be with you all at the January meeting when I shall be able to thank you personally
30 She do n't want to be on her own , even at night , so what I done was drag my mattress and sleeping bag into her room , and that 's where I 'm sleeping now — on her floor .
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