Example sentences of "[prep] be [adv] great that " in BNC.

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1 Studies were put in hand to see whether it would be practicable to deploy Blue Streak in hardened underground silos in the Welsh mountains or the Scottish highlands , but the cost was found to be so great that it would have beggared the Defence Vote , making the restoration of more efficient conventional forces impossible .
2 Thus Stonehenge was presumed to postdate the tholoi of Mycenae , and the time taken for agriculture to spread to Britain was thought to be so great that the inception of the Neolithic was placed at about 2500 BC .
3 Line and Sandison conclude , ‘ Variations between individual titles , of serials as well as monographs , are likely to be so great that substantial data must be collected for each individual title , perhaps in each library ( certainly in each type of library ) if weeding is to be done on a rational basis ’ .
4 His power was said to be so great that each one of the dhāmis , when possessed by him , could split an iron cooking tripod with a single blow of his naked hand .
5 Those changes appear to be so great that they will certainly still be affecting readers of this text in the 1990s .
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