Example sentences of "[prep] the good of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 All this may be done for the best of reasons but it only ensures that children bottle up their feelings as well as their tears , which , as we have seen in previous chapters , can have far-reaching effects .
2 In reality there is little Chris does not know , for the best of reasons — his constant personal participation at the toughest end of the game .
3 A not untypical background of an early headhunter was someone who had had general management experience and had worked in one or more functional roles , and then found themselves , for the best of reasons , on the market .
4 A significant number of the executive search consultants in the major firms have chosen , for the best of reasons , to come into this role and find it a challenging and stimulating career in itself .
5 PHIL Sorenti decided to launch himself off the tallest building on campus for the best of reasons .
6 Recent scholarship suggests that the tactic of anonymity may have been employed for the best of reasons .
7 All I can say is that it was for the best of reasons . ’
8 ‘ I did all the wrong things for the best of reasons , ’ she whispered sadly .
9 but the point I 'm trying to make is that the person who made the presentation er o o on er for , for the best of riders , I think he 's rather missed the point because he was talking to you about the , including , more information on er within the T V P and we did discuss , er we did like to make it quite clear during our er discussions that riding of horses on the highway is a matter for the T V P , riding horses on bridleways is a matter that we will have to deal with in basic in time .
10 Scholes 's proposal to teach the ‘ cultural text ’ as well as the ‘ literary text ’ makes good sense ; but , for the best of motives , he tends to a brisk simplification in his approach .
11 We would hate to see him invite his mother to a similar jaunt , even for the best of motives .
12 Jayne 's even got her husband Phil with her as sound engineer on their latest nationwide tour , billed as The Best Of Torvill and Dean .
13 go to the supermarket and I would bung it of the best of stuff .
14 By all reports this appears to be an amalgamation of the best of Word 3 and MacAuthor but , until our review copy arrives judgement is withheld .
15 Last of the spring blooms to reach my desk are Tangled Up In White ( Hodder and Stoughton , £14.99 ) an anthology of some of the best of Peter Roebuck 's sharply intelligent articles on cricket and The Guinness Book of Cricket Captains ( Guinness , £14.99 ) , the second large book about Test captains recently published .
16 Now this is not perhaps one of the best of Spitzer 's analyses , and in any case it contains a great deal more than we have space to repeat here .
17 He is a shining example of the best of football .
18 One of the best of lemon graters is lump sugar , although Hannah Glasse ( The Art of Cookery Made Plain and Easy , I747 ) who was perhaps partial to a pun , directed her readers to grate lemon skins with a piece of broken glass .
19 Sir William has been a very fine example of the best of Australia .
20 If it is difficult to change habits like smoking or drinking , despite the best of intentions , then the switch to nut steaks and vegetable lasagne might be just as painful , and for those forced to it because of the unavailability of meat it would also be deeply resented .
21 I left with no passion for any single plant or creature but for all of Nature — its ruthless innocence , its secretiveness and startling revelations , the changing seasons and sense of time in a whole that was timeless , like the best of childhood .
22 ‘ We used to lie around a swimming pool in Peking chatting like the best of friends , ’ he later recalled , ‘ But it was all too sickeningly sweet …
23 Unlike many of the guerrilla leaders who are unknown except to the intrepid few who visit their frontline hideouts , Arkan rebels are in the public limelight like the best of Hollywood 's gangsters .
24 ‘ It was done with the best of motives .
25 So sixty-four dealers packed the cavernous 7th Regiment Armory on Park Avenue with the best of Soho and 57th Street , giving less experienced or timid buyers easy access to everything from Old Master drawings to contemporary sculpture .
26 The Foster 's World Club Challenge , attended by 30,786 , proved , however , two things other than that the competition deserves to continue : the best of Britain can live with the best of Australia ; and Widnes are a team of immense character .
27 Woe to those they serve who are clad in silk , loll on couches , and fill their bellies with the best of food and the richness of wine .
28 This , therefore , is a chronicle of failure , though a gallant failure and of a project engaged in with the best of intentions .
29 The Problem of Pain was written with the best of intentions .
30 The inspector should not allow himself to be led , often with the best of intentions , by people proud to show off the area .
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