Example sentences of "[prep] which [was/were] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Under the deal , the implementing contract for which was to be negotiated over the following 12 months , enriched uranium reportedly totalling 500 tonnes would be sold by Russia for hard currency needed to complete urgent repairs to its nuclear power plants .
2 With effect from March 7 , small businesses with up to 20 staff could operate within a largely free-enterprise regime , precise rules for which were to be formulated by a new National Committee for Small Enterprises .
3 These lower faculties were employed in practical activities , the performance of which was to be relegated , as far as possible , to lower kinds of people , not worthy to be fully educated .
4 Indeed , a working-class culture , the passing of which was to be lamented by social commentators in the 1950s , was being largely created in these closing decades of the nineteenth century , and the new or transformed working-class standards were to become deeply embedded .
5 Thus it was Floridablanca , a stiff bureaucrat , who planned the road system radiating from Madrid , the completion of which was to be the achievement of Isabelline liberalism ; indeed , the fate of the Corps of Road Engineers , set up in the eighteenth century , was bound up with the fate of liberalism itself ; dismantled by Ferdinand VII it was set up by the Liberal Revolution in 1820 ; dissolved in the reaction of 1823 , it was re-established by liberals in 1834 .
6 He was to visit units of all the three divisions in the Corps area , each of which was to be concerned with the repatriations .
7 However , Mikoian was favourably impressed with the enthusiasm and commitment of the Cuban revolutionaries and , on 13 February , he signed a trade agreement , by which the Soviet Union undertook to buy 5 million tons ( m.t. ) of sugar over five years , 20 per cent of which was to be paid for in hard currency and the remainder in Soviet goods , including 6 million barrels of oil per year .
8 The first community charge bill that dropped through my letter box , and those of thousands of my constituents , was for £376 , £346 of which was to be spent by the Labour-controlled county council : that was stated on the bill .
9 The package also included cuts in defence expenditure of A$80,000,000 and in social security spending , an increase in taxation on luxury cars , and an increase in public expenditure of A$323,000,000 , much of which was to be directed towards child care and road improvements ( US$1.00=A$1.3151 as at Feb. 19 , 1990 ) .
10 Fishing under licence was to continue within the original 150-mile zone , but no fishing was to be allowed in the new zone , to be regarded as an area of Anglo-Argentine co-operation , the eastern half of which was to be patrolled by the Falklands and the western half by Argentina since it overlapped with part of its 200-mile territorial waters .
11 It was announced on Jan. 22 that Italy was providing aid estimated at US$142,000,000 , part of which was to be used to assist in the reintegration of demobilized soldiers into civilian life .
12 In a meeting with the King on 3 October 1688 , the bishops asked James to dissolve the Commission for Ecclesiastical Causes , and promise never to erect " any such court again " , to " desist from the Exercise of such a Dispensing power as hath of late been used " ( the determination of which was to be left to Parliament ) , to restore the corporations and the universities , and to give office only to those who were legally qualified .
13 It was all very well for countries where uniforms were fashionable — as they certainly were not in Britain and the United States — to encourage among the labourers the soldierly virtues , not the least of which was to be poorly paid .
14 To do this the Germans had divided the Verdun front into a number of very small sectors , each of which was to be patrolled twenty-four hours a day by two planes .
15 A four-year training period was proposed , the first two years of which were to be spent at Bedford , where probationers could be prepared for the preliminary examination .
16 Thereafter he lived for society and gossip , projecting a ‘ History of his Times ’ , the materials of which were to be his long , delightfully observant letters to his favourite stepdaughter , Elizabeth Ord .
17 No details were released of selection procedures for this committee , members of which were to be represented in the Legco until 2003 .
18 The compromise plan involved a phased US withdrawal over a three-year period , the modalities of which were to be worked out by a special panel which would be chaired by the chief presidential aide , Franklin Drilon .
19 On Oct. 25 the Hungarian Defence Minister Lajos Für and his Austrian counterpart Werner Fasslabend signed a 15-point agreement on bilateral military co-operation , the details of which were to be worked out by chiefs of staff .
20 An agreement signed in Paris on Nov. 12 and worth several hundred million French francs ( the first F30,000,000 of which were to be spent in 1992 ) provided for French technical assistance to help Russia dismantle its nuclear weapons .
21 Although the Bill of Rights was important for enumerating various " Liberties of this Kingdom " ( Some of which were to be similarly expressed during the following century in the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution ) , its essential purpose was to assert the position of Parliament in relation to the Crown .
22 A resolution of 22 March 1792 provided for the erection of temporary stabling for 50 horses , to which were to be added later a lecture theatre and a dissecting room .
23 Though always happy at Saint Cloud , the Emperor had a weakness for the great palace of Fontainebleau , perhaps because of its associations with Napoleon I. Because of the magnificence of the palace it was impossible to live a quiet family life and so June was a month of great social activity , a sort of informal summer Court , at which was to be found the glittering society so indelibly associated with the regime .
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