Example sentences of "[prep] which be [that] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Job preferment stigmatises those who do not need help , starts a backlash from whites and reinforces the myth of racial inferiority , the most pernicious effect of which is that blacks have believed it as much as whites .
2 Despite their many differences , deep ecology , animal welfare , and anti-cruelty have some fundamental similarities , the most important of which is that individuals are morally expendable — expendable for the deep ecologist as long as the good of the biotic community is sustained or promoted , expendable for the animal welfarist as long as the welfare of others is protected or advanced , and expendable for those who accept the anti-cruelty position , as long as worthy ends are not obtained by means that cause excessive suffering .
3 This was quickly followed by a spate of bid rumours , the most sensational of which was that Adia , the big Swiss-based recruitment consultant , was about to launch a takeover bid .
4 The Doctrine of Signatures became fashionable , the theory of which was that plants which looked like the symptoms of an illness would cure it — lungwort or pulmonaria is a case in point , since it was used for lung conditions , because its white-spotted leaves were thought to bear some resemblance to diseased lungs .
5 All went to plan , until he was delayed by a revolution in Venezuela , the consequences of which were that Stewart missed the replay which Casuals lost 4–1 .
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