Example sentences of "[prep] that of [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Geological Survey was one of the very few organizations employing men of science in Britain — Greenwich Observatory was one of the others — but their status was about that of clerks in the Civil Service , and this rankled .
2 There were many people in Greece who felt grateful for the repression of even minor social disturbances , such as that of Dyme in Achaia about 116 B.C. , so typically described in the letter by the Roman proconsul Quintus Fabius Maximus to the magistrates of the city : abolition of debts and contracts ( SIG 684 ) .
3 We both argued that the levels of er housing development in Craven , Harrogate and to a lesser extent perhaps Amblet Hambleton should not be constrained , so as to reduce erm the the steady trickle if I can describe it as that of migration from the West Yorkshire conurbation to those areas , in perhaps er l looking at the different proposal for the new settlement which might be located in the Leeds York corridor .
4 The professor will be a member ex officio of the committee , and will be expected from time to time to hold offices such as that of Chairman of the Committee or Director of Graduate Studies , and in due course to assume the duties of professor in charge of the Institute , which are customarily rotated by arrangement .
5 And if the base of the wall could not be penetrated , movable towers were built which could be wheeled up to attack the wall from without ; in the longer sieges , such as that of Antioch during the First Crusade , fixed towers were erected over against the walls to harry the defenders and enable a watch to be kept on them .
6 Some states , such as that of Ceara in the north east , have taken radical steps .
7 A static model , such as that of Homans in sociology , emphasizing structural maintenance through a form of ‘ social approval ’ , neglects the inherent dynamism of reproductive strategies that necessitate risk in competition and possibly conflict for their fulfilment .
8 Only an occasional great congress or conference — such as that of Berlin in 1878 — brought momentarily into existence something palely anticipating the ‘ summit ’ diplomacy of the twentieth century , and even then the major decisions tended to be made before the great men met .
9 For nearly a century and a half after the end of the Thirty Years War in 1648 there was a tendency for the ratio of casualties to total numbers engaged in West European wars to fall and for that of prisoners to dead and wounded to rise .
10 Diro 's resignation was announced shortly after that of Eri on Oct. 1 .
11 And yesterday it emerged that Britain 's inflation rate of 4.1pc had fallen below that of Germany for the first time in 25 years .
12 For the Armagnacs , the acquisition of Rodez was the equivalent of that of Béarn for the counts of Foix .
13 Households of professional status had a mean non-asset income of 252% of that of households of unskilled manual status but the percentage rose to 369 when the annuitized value of assets was added and to 382 when the value of employer welfare benefits in kind was further added .
14 But the desert lizard , Sauromaulus , loses only 5 per cent of that of crocodilians through the skin .
15 She would n't have believed that he could move so fast as , with a rushing like that of fluid from a punctured sac , the rotten body comes slithering out in a wave of its own juices .
16 More important , it was necessary that somebody should he acquainted with the details of imperial finance , and the Athenian constitution , like that of Rome in the republic , had no provision for a civil service , and like the Roman Senate , the Athenians governed and legislated as amateurs .
17 A biology of hierarchy grounded in a metaphysically prior ‘ great chain of being ’ gave way to a biology of incommensurability in which the relationship of men to women , like that of apples to oranges , was not given as one of equality or inequality but rather as a difference whose meaning required interpretation and struggle .
18 Of the nasty strategies , one or two of them began by increasing in frequency , but their prosperity , like that of Cheat in my simulation , was short-lived .
19 The philosophy of the Sufis is like that of Epictetus for it also uses the magic wand to transform the bad into good .
20 The mood of Mesopotamian civilization reflected this element of force and violence in nature which gave no grounds for believing that the ravages of time could be surmounted by a ritual cult like that of Osiris in Egypt .
21 The difficulty with a post like that of judge of the regality court of Glasgow was that while it could help or harm a political interest , depending upon the use made of the powers of the court by the appointee , the office itself was not a profitable one if the judge was not trying to bend the laws to his own advantage .
22 The relationship is rather like that of pornography to sexual aggression , cathartic or stimulant according to one 's prejudices .
23 The challenge of Koons ' art , like that of Warhol before him , is not its aggressiveness but its ambivalence .
24 The great historical eruptions seem to fit this picture — global mean temperatures in the northern hemisphere ( taken as annual means ) show a significant dip in the year or two after a great eruption , like that of Krakatoa in 1883 , or , on a more modest scale , Agung in Bali in 1963 .
25 Its author dispensed with the laconic and often uninformative methods adopted by many medieval annalists , writing at length and in a distinctive style not unlike that of homilists of the period , and with the same purpose — heightened effect .
26 He had first mentioned the concept of ego ideal in his paper ‘ On Narcissism ’ ( 1914 ) , and the notion of ego ideal is later said to be identical with that of super-ego in The Ego and the Id ( 1923 ) .
27 Documents published by BNFL state that the plant will earn £950 million for the UK and £1,800 million for BNFL in its first 10 years , but contain no comparison of the cost of reprocessing with that of storage of nuclear waste , or any assessment of the revenue BNFL could earn from storage of its customers ' waste .
28 The spatial behaviour of those rural residents without the use of cars in car-owning households may more accurately be compared with that of behaviour in non-car-owning households .
29 In May 1964 , Councillor T. J. McCabe compared Derry 's housing record unfavourably with that of Lisburn in County Antrim which had built 1,556 corporation and NIHT houses since World War 11 .
30 The power of the government is positively breathtaking in comparison with that of ministers in Westminster : ‘ the French parliament in the Vth Republic is modest to the point of being inadequate …
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