Example sentences of "[prep] his [noun sg] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 This , however , gives rise to two legends : firstly that it was paid for by Napoleon in gold louis to Mr Veitch , who later buried the coins under the foundation stone of the English church ; and secondly that the wine was never drunk by Napoleon but returned to Madeira after his death to be bottled in 1840 by Blandy 's .
2 But , despite his annoyance at being seeded No.2 to Baddeley even though he is the present No.1 , he declined to labour the point afterwards .
3 ( b ) not less than fourteen nor more than thirty-five clear days before the date appointed for the general meeting , notice executed by a member qualified to vote at the general meeting has been given to the Company of the intention to propose that person for appointment , together with notice executed by that person of his willingness to be appointed .
4 ( b ) not less than fourteen nor more than thirty-five clear days before the date appointed for the general meeting , notice executed by a member qualified to vote at the general meeting has been given to the Company of the intention to propose that person for appointment , together with notice executed by that person of his willingness to be appointed .
5 He did n't smile as the Shermans approached but waited with his left hand resting on the hilt of his ceremonial sword , his aloof expression suggesting that he estimated the dignity of his person to be at least equal to that of the fabled hero of France looking down from the wall behind him .
6 ‘ Jimmy Armfield signed me for Leeds United , but when Adamson took over it was clear he had lost some of his motivation after being sacked by Sunderland .
7 Mark Bottomley is picking up the pieces of his life after being beaten around the head with a piece of scaffolding .
8 The Shah had visited Washington in November 1977 , towards the end of Carters election , and the new administration had impressed upon him that although the United States still regarded him as an important ally , the days of unrestricted arms sales , while arrest and torture by SAVAK were ignored by the US , were over , In fact , the Shah had already moderated SAVAK , released some political prisoners and allowed a little more criticism of his government to be expressed , even before Carter 's inauguration .
9 It certainly puts him in a different frame of mind , for on hearing it he resolves to beg forgiveness of his mistress for being jealous ( ex.13 ) .
10 It 's a funny thing but I remember gritting myself for Kirk for about two months because of his reputation for being difficult .
11 The result was that his serious physical illness was assumed to be a form of ‘ school phobia ’ and his parents were threatened with a court order if he did not return to school Access to the file , including the head 's letter , would have enabled correction of the factual errors at least and perhaps an accurate diagnosis of his illness to be made .
12 He blamed the extremists , the sects on the one hand and the bishops on the other for the failure of his vision to be realised .
13 How often have you known it for the butler who is on everyone 's lips one day as the greatest of his generation to be proved demonstrably within a few years to have been nothing of the sort ?
14 The most important display of his art to be mounted since the Museum of Modern Art 's large exhibition in New York in 1975 , and the Serpentine Gallery 's survey of 1984 , it consolidates the sculptor 's recent interest in the achievements of ancient civilisations sparked by a visit to Greece in 1985 , and tests his abstract interpretations of classical and Renaissance art against the authenticity of Imperial Roman architecture .
15 A BABY ostrich called Linford after the Olympic flyer has become the first of his kind to be born in Britain outside a zoo .
16 Resolved , That if it shall appear that any person hath been tampering with any Witness , in respect of his evidence to be given to this House , or any Committee thereof , or directly or indirectly hath endeavoured to deter or hinder any person from appearing or giving evidence the same is declared to be a high crime and misdemeanour ; and this House will proceed with the utmost severity against such offender .
17 Even when the soul man is ‘ hurt ’ , it is only a celebration of his ability to be ‘ touched ’ .
18 Only one contestant appeared and at the end of the prescribed waiting period , the hour of nine he asked for the non-appearance of his adversary to be legally recorded .
19 Keown then left at the end of his contract after being unable to agree terms with Graham over a new deal — and alleging that the sticking point had been a request for £50 a week more than he was offered .
20 I knew he could withdraw , but he went out of his way to be rude .
21 Indeed , it seemed to her that he now went out of his way to be pleasant and , on her part , she was ‘ no longer afraid of him ’ .
22 Last week , by coincidence , the Labour leader a man , it is widely believed went out of his way to be pictured with a particular group of parliamentary candidates .
23 It will take time for the implications of his work to be properly assimilated and understood ; the process involves transposition from a cultural context that is more remote than the French .
24 The major survey of the paintings of Walter Richard Sickert , which opens at the Royal Academy of Arts towards the end of this month ( 20 November-14 February 1993 ) and commemorates the fiftieth anniversary of the artist 's death in 1942 , is the most comprehensive exhibition of his work to be staged since the Tate Gallery 's centenary exhibition of 1960 and an Arts Council touring show seen in Hull , Glasgow and Plymouth in 1977–78 .
25 The fact that the P.M. asked for the processes of selection of his successor to be undertaken in the middle of a party conference was bound to create consternation , confusion and intrigue , and indeed it did .
26 He decided , however , that Maidstone should not be told of his reason for being in Naples — not yet , anyway .
27 Sir Robert Dalyell of the Binns clearly saw himself in that light when , in 1760 , he approached Lord Milton to inform him of his wish to be of use to Milton 's politics in West Lothiah .
28 Kim Young Sam made no secret of his wish to be Roh 's successor , although there were many within the party , particularly former DJP members , who vehemently opposed his succession .
29 I think one can point to another fact which is that Monsieur Mitterand comes from a political party erm which resembles that of his predecessor in being pro-European .
30 The religious belief of the time requires at least a substantial part of his property to be devoted to the good of his soul .
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