Example sentences of "[prep] his [noun] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Father-of-two Dave needed seven stitches after his overalls caught in a roller at Ford 's Halewood plant .
2 A BARMAN was pushed over a 200ft cliff after his wife agreed to a £2,500 ‘ murder contract ’ , a court was told yesterday .
3 His United counterpart , Alex Ferguson , was also reluctant to look too far ahead , despite the obvious temptations after his side returned to scoring form with their victory over Norwich last week .
4 TELEVISION viewers waiting for the result of the 3.10 race at Doncaster last Wednesday heard director Bob Gardam called Lord Howard d'Warden an ‘ Old Fart ’ after his lordship wandered in front of the camera and Mr Gardam thinking he was safe in the privacy of the TV scanner , for some reason came over loud and clear on the course 's PA system .
5 One boy called Haile Nehari actually escaped from prison — he had been put there after his sling-shot aimed at a pigeon hit an Ethiopian soldier instead .
6 One of these two pictures , Portuguese Cannon , Mazagan ( Plate 17 ) , was after his death presented by the Royal College of Art to the Tate , in memory of him .
7 Another landlord Geoff Addy , from the Old Dun Cow , left yesterday after his rent increased by £19,000 .
8 A new Bishop of Gloucester has been named , four months after his predecessor resigned in disgrace .
9 The funeral of Jason McFarlane , 21 , of Friar Crescent , Darlington , who died after his motorbike smashed into a parked van on the A1 near Gateshead takes place on Monday .
10 Sunderland defender Anton Rogan is linking-up with the squad after his club bowed to pressure from the Irish FA that they have first call on him under FIFA 's World Cup rules .
11 But Kernaghan has to wear a brace on his right leg for another five weeks after his knee locked against Tranmere Rovers .
12 ‘ I did n't even know the water was there , ’ said Couples , whose Augusta victory came after his tee shot to the short 12th on the final afternoon defied gravity by clinging to a near-vertical bank instead of dropping back into the lake .
13 A CRASH victim had his head held above icy water by rescuers after his car plunged into a marsh .
14 A NEWLY-WED died after his car collided with a wagon on the A66 , an inquest heard yesterday .
15 Some of his exploits read like folk tales .
16 He found fame in poetry and prose , he also has the reputation of being a supernatural Robin Hood and documentary evidence of his exploits attributed to him are legion .
17 Of course she was nervous , he thought , seeing the big white-painted facade of his home come into the open .
18 Scotland 's national coach has been disadvantaged only in the sense that so many of his squad come from one club , Rangers , who have had to withdraw six players because of injury .
19 ‘ He is still vertical , ’ Roxburgh observed after having had a significant portion of his squad put on horizontal hold .
20 that there was no evidence of , or finding of , any specific prejudices to the respondent in the preparation of his defence caused by the delay in the proceedings ;
21 Thirdly , that there was no evidence , nor indeed was there any finding by the judge of any specific prejudice to the respondent in the preparation of his defence caused by any delay in the proceedings against him .
22 A celebration of his life led by Father Brady , the University 's Catholic Chaplain , was held at Cripps Hall on 25th January .
23 Antoine 's failure to analyse his actions in anything other than a purely technical sense is explained primarily by the tempo of his life dictated by an excessive work load that leaves no time for leisure , for reflection , for self-scrutiny :
24 ‘ White spent much of his life balanced on the boundary between crankiness and brilliance , ’ continues Girouard ; ‘ in the end he fell off on the wrong side , and a large proportion of his last years were wasted in trying to prove that Shakespeare was Bacon .
25 Graeme Souness , an Edinburgh man who does n't frighten easily , once recalled how the scariest moment of his life unfolded outside Parkhead when he made the acquaintance of two locals .
26 And he describes the last 14 years of his life dedicated to overcoming the bitterness accumulated since the ‘ rubber barons ’ first reached the region , bringing with them thousands of labourers from Brazil 's impoverished Northeast , who they set to work as Seringueiros in lands wrested from the Indians .
27 There is nothing in any of the standard sources to suggest that the undoubted eminence Hizir Bey enjoyed in the last years of his life derived from anything other than his excellence in and his position as kadi of the newly conquered city .
28 His object attained , the remaining nine years of his life brought to a head many problems between himself and the labour movement which had been latent since his first incursion into a very different labour scene in 1887 .
29 The trial proved an immense strain , and he spent the last months of his life confined to a wheelchair .
30 Pyotr Paskar resigned as Chair of the Council of Ministers in Moldavia on May 24 in response to criticism of his government voiced in the new Moldavian Supreme Soviet ( elected in February — ibid . ) .
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