Example sentences of "[prep] but a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When I see these Islands in sight of each other , & possessed of but a scanty stock of animals , tenanted by these birds , but slightly differing in structure & filling the same place in Nature , I must suspect they are only varieties .
2 Not bad , as the consequence of but a single peck !
3 Contrary to public belief , is not a suburb of but an expanding community in its own right , devoid of facilities and services afforded to others under your jurisdiction .
4 Ones with numerous branches seemed to dominate the earlier rocks , ones with fewer branches were later , while in rocks we would now recognize as Silurian and early Devonian , forms with but a single branch ( or stipe ) were abundant .
5 It was an ingenious idea ; but the war with revolutionary France soon destroyed the fiction that there could be two Parliaments with but a single executive .
6 From that school of mingled games , friendliness and lessons I went with but a short pause to one where lessons were business , and a very serious business indeed since most of the scholars had already begun to work in offices and came here in the evenings to qualify themselves to earn more money and more leisure .
7 All the indications are that man 's efforts successfully to modify and refine the product of the evolutionary process by the introduction of civilisation , have been almost destroyed by the tangled mass of religious absurdity and rubbish which he has allowed to enter into it , and reduce it to but a tragic travesty of what it should be .
8 I see a not very tall man , pleasant enough to look at but a beige man , not very exciting , not very sexual — ’
9 I am reduced to sitting staring out of the window with nothing much to look at but a young man , presumably a salesman or political canvasser , patiently going from door to door down the street .
10 With an inconvenient house and stuck out on that headland with nothing to look at but a ruined abbey and that atomic power station they 'll have to put up with what they can get . ’
11 If this is the case , and long-term memory for the simple association is reflected in a widespread increase in numbers of synapses , it is difficult to argue that the memory is ‘ represented , by but a single set of synapses at a particular motor neuron ; thousands must be involved , distributed across many cells .
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