Example sentences of "[prep] this is [that] the " in BNC.

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1 What is frustrating about this is that the ‘ canon ’ apparently consists of works of universal and immutable value ; anyone who suggests adapting it to include , say , more female writers , is open to accusations of being ‘ political ’ .
2 THE FIRST thing you notice about this is that the CD package is upside down .
3 THE FIRST thing you notice about this is that the CD package is upside down .
4 Part of the reason for this is that the American professoriat is the largest in the world , while the American market for current art is unprecedented ; it is evident that the turnover of the American art market as a whole is the largest in the world .
5 The reason for this is that the sub-continent 's representatives will still be competing for a one-day pot in Sharjah until the 20th .
6 The reason for this is that the first layer atoms are shadowed by their neighbours along these principal axes and the projectile experiences a continuous potential that focuses it into a specular direction — ie θ = 2α .
7 The most likely explanation for this is that the vehicle itself is not actually speeding up , but the cooling fan is !
8 The reason for this is that the outflowing rivers provide the sand that makes them good beaches .
9 The reason for this is that the circumstances of the situation are just as much a cause of behaviour as the underlying motive .
10 The reason for this is that the formation is sandwiched between thick units of halite ( Fig .
11 The reason for this is that the snake must do its best to protect its precious fangs .
12 The reason for this is that the renewal of fixed capital is normally to maintain existing production levels .
13 The reason for this is that the more spontaneous the answers given during the session , the more worthwhile they are likely to prove .
14 A major reason for this is that the high productivity of fully automated plants satisfies the basic consumption needs of workers but , instead of this leading to a high level of satisfaction , workers freed from the immediate concern of making ends meet are then able to pose what Mallet takes to be the more fundamental problem of their alienation from their work .
15 The reason for this is that the sound is recorded as a separate linear edge-track which runs at the slow forward speed of the tape , and the speed affects the audio quality to some extent .
16 The reason for this is that the money you receive back at the end of the year will not go as far or buy as much as it did 12 months earlier .
17 The reason for this is that the sooner you can pursue your debts the greater will be your chances of recovery .
18 One explanation for this is that the two bodies constituting Pluto were originally moons of Neptune , but that something tore them from the giant planet 's grasp — the converse of what is thought to have happened to Triton !
19 One of the few established facts about psychotic illness is that it runs in families and only the most stubborn social theorist could now deny that one reason for this is that the disposition to it , at least , is partly inherited .
20 The reason for this is that the linguistic , social and educational environments of the two countries may be so different as to provide different opportunities for language learning .
21 The reason for this is that the number of tucks within the work distorts the knit stitches in such a way that they rise up above the surface of the knitting , forming a very three-dimensional effect .
22 The only condition for this is that the pictures must be PCX files .
23 The reason for this is that the long run incentive to exploit a conflict of interest may not exist .
24 The reason for this is that the snail can only perceive events which are more than one quarter of a second apart , so a stick which is moved four times a second appears to be stationary .
25 One reason for this is that the agencies supply them efficiently with information about assignments .
26 The reason for this is that the length of the season , and the level of activity within it , is less predictable than at Christmas time .
27 The reason for this is that the technology is much simpler — and therefore cheaper — and running costs are reputedly lower ( see page 96 ) , yet the output quality approaches that of lasers .
28 One of the most important reasons for this is that the Latin American elites reacted quickly and in most cases effectively to the social and economic changes brought about by the industrialisation , urbanisation and immigration of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries .
29 One reason for this is that the underlying causes for the West 's concern over the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait and for Washington 's original involvement have little to do with the security system it now wishes to see created .
30 The reason for this is that the trust funds are not owned by the authority , they are being administered on behalf of the bequeathers .
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