Example sentences of "[prep] this [noun] over the " in BNC.

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1 I 've worked hard for this house over the past three years .
2 The policy of this council over the last couple of years has been to get down to that figure enforced upon us as gracefully as possible with the least damage to our services and the least damage to the morale of our staff and our staff are after all the most important asset that a local authority possesses and that is what we 're trying to consider .
3 Ergo , we have to look , I think , at the record of this company over the last few years and as the chairman said in his introductory remarks the growth in the company , the growth in the earnings per share , has been very remarkable .
4 One advantage of this system over the software-intensive approach is immediately apparent : the voltage-controlled oscillator 's [ put is continuously variable , so the maximum operating speed of the motor is no longer restricted by its ability to " jump " between discrete stepping rates .
5 Bill Filip , president of the Advanced Workstation Division says RS/6000 business has grown 50% in the first half of this year over the corresponding period last year , putting it right on course to achieve its target , he believes .
6 The reader of this column over the years will have noticed that relevant contemporary issues have been taken and discussed in a conciliatory and balanced manner , causing offence to virtually no-one .
7 The history of conflict between the peoples of this region over the centuries was interpenetrated by episodes in which it was subject to the imperial development of Rome , Macedon , Byzantium and the various peoples that streamed out of Central Asia into Persia and beyond .
8 At a higher level there was a string Patty cut up a , but the extension of this string over the errorful portion lowered the score of the string relative to other interpretations .
9 For this degree the coefficient is then the integral of this integrand over the standard interval .
10 Many people have been glad of this device over the years , which has saved them from death or serious injury .
11 I think I am only saying that anyone who has followed the history of this controversy over the last twenty years will already see reason to think that the friction produced by quarrelling among good causes is enormous and it is a luxury that we simply can not afford .
12 Erm first of all , as I grapple with this problem over the weekend , it did seem to me very difficult to make any sensible assessment of integration on a at a strategic level because so clearly it is a site specific matter .
13 However , readers may be glad to know that Family and Youth Concern are hosting a one-day conference at the Wellington Park Hotel on 11th September , when Mrs Victoria Gillick , the arch-enemy of the Brook Advisory Centre will tell of her battle with this agency over the years .
14 Under this leadership over the past decade the company has grown from being an essentially UK woodworm and pest control company , to an international enterprise with a broad base of environmental services in every major world economy .
15 As the air temperature drops on a still clear night dew drops that form between the fibres eventually freeze to form a sealed ice cover which traps the air within this space over the relatively warmer soil and prevents the temperature dropping below freezing .
16 Full details were advertised in this newspaper over the past two weeks .
17 Now , as the chairman said we base the salaries of directors on two elements an element of base salary which looks at market levels and we ergo , have a fair base which reflects a sort of medium to upper level of companies of this size we then leverage , very carefully , a bonus scheme related to performance and I believe that is the right thing to do and I believe and so do my fellow directors who sit on that committee believe that it is one of the reasons that we 've seen the great growth in this company over the last five years which you 've achieved and which actually the Chancellor of the Exchequer would very glad about because it is increasing the wealth and the benefit of this country , particularly as a lot of those earnings are coming from overseas and will in , in time be repatriated in Britain .
18 Well , I 'd like to do , that we do do that , I mean , we have I think made some submissions in the past , but I think it 's now quite clear that the fears that we 've expressed in this committee over the years , are well founded , and we 've got to the point , where the whole er project for the special needs people , is is going is going to be very vulnerable .
19 The development of SVQs has formed a major part of our work in this sector over the last year .
20 I was fortunate to have been associated with him in this development over the first half of the 1940s .
21 ‘ What has predominantly improved race relations in this country over the last 25 years has been the firm , fair immigration controls we have sustained throughout that period .
22 The case has echoes of the row that erupted in this country over The Krays movie .
23 We have seen how the corporatist welfare state which has emerged in this country over the past hundred years is a reflection of a humanist philosophy in which the creation of wealth is of less concern and morally inferior than its distribution , in which the pursuit of equality has become the dominant economic philosophy and in which the state rather than the individual has come to be held responsible for solving our problems .
24 He has played a significant though unsung part in the primary school revolution which has taken place in this country over the last ten to fifteen years .
25 Does my hon. Friend agree that those figures reflect a sharp improvement in this country over the past few years and scope for some of our Community partners to do more to encourage unleaded petrol sales ?
26 THE stock market received a lift today on news of a cut in German interest rates which raised hopes of a similar reduction in this country over the next few weeks by Chancellor Kenneth Clarke .
27 ‘ It 's been terrible watching the change in this country over the past 20 years from a time when the consensus was that the public good was what mattered , to today when people only care about shopping .
28 This has been the most fastest growing part of the holiday taking in this country over the past two or three years and I 'm hoping it will continue and so does our industry — in other words the hotels and accommodation , the tourist attractions — all are hoping , you know , that people are going to continue to do this erm and I think this may apply to certain sectors of the community erm and we just hope that that will grow .
29 You very humbly describe yourself as an absent Pro-Chancellor , but you have taken a considerable interest in this university over the years , and we 've been grateful for it .
30 But our legal practice is not unilateralist in this way over the broad reaches of the private law that we have mostly been discussing in this book-judges very often decide for the plaintiff , as they did in McLoughlin , when according to conventionalism the plaintiff had no legal right to win .
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