Example sentences of "[prep] this [noun] because [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes when I , I write a poem I want to create a particular mood erm giving the piece erm a shape , a , a definite shape or just a shadowy shape erm and the overcoat in er Bon Jour Monsieur Gaugin , I found very , very expressive and the starting point for , for this particular poem I 'll hand this round to you know , with the name of the , the front , right I do n't , has anybody , if you already know this picture , does anybody actually know it already ? , no I start with the overcoat obviously erm very expressive , not just because it was , people wear over , overcoats in cold days , but it was the size of the coat and the shape of it and , and it gave me a weight , I felt , er I felt a very definite mood erm about this picture because of the coat and it was a , er a ejective mood that I , that I felt from that , and the stick in the erm hands of the women over the bridge gave me the sound for , for this poem would you like me to read as the , the thing being passed around , would that be ok ?
2 R. A Aubin in his well-known study of topographical poetry expresses admiration for this poem because of its humour .
3 It is advisable to wear a weight-training belt for this exercise because of the strain on the lower back .
4 Now I , I wo n't , I wo n't go for this vote because at the end of the day I I do n't think it 'd be er er productive , it 'd be counterproductive erm , I do hope that you around the chamber tonight , do look inside and say look if you 're fed up with it coming to the council Mr whatever your name is , I forget , the new guy er , it will only come back next year .
5 ‘ You have been selected for this commission because of your exceptional technical skills , and your great artistic ability .
6 ‘ There is cross-party support for this project because of its unifying nature .
7 I would n't let is pass without thanking you which is the reason for this note because at the moment I have n't got that much spare time on my hands to thank you in person .
8 Its most important role at the time , however , in common with other dual-purpose breeds , was in the production of first-class veal and yarded ‘ baby beef ’ ( slaughtered at less than 15 months old ) and it was the first breed to be used for this trade because of its early maturity .
9 English-speaking countries , however , have been relatively unaware of this activity because of language barriers , or if aware of any aspect of it have turned a blind eye due to a lack of understanding of the background of the method or a disinterest in the findings of Quantum Physics .
10 And I knew it was wrong , but I could n't get out of this tradition because of the difficulty of realizing the inner content of the music .
11 We consider it to be most unlikely that the pleural lesion is the site of origin of this lymphoma because of the extensive lymphocytic infiltration elsewhere , the long history of bowel symptoms , and the similarity with other described cases .
12 yeah , hopefully the business coming in of , of this month because of the fact that the , the volume of business bound to be higher
13 It is imperative to investigate the mechanism of action of this tratment because of the small therapeutic benefits found with older regimens of treatment , which have been used for patients with gastric cancer .
14 The settlements developed under the 1946 New Towns Act provide an extreme example of this process because of rapid initial growth and often sharp cessation of planned in-migration , leading to major age-structure imbalances which will continue to work themselves out well into the next century ( Champion , Clegg and Davies , 1977 ) .
15 But seriously I 'm against this budget because of what is , what it does n't contain rather than what it does contain .
16 Suppose Mrs Bloggs is ill-treated by Mr Bloggs but decides to put up with this situation because of the children .
17 erm there is criticism that erm we only went into this war because of oil interests .
18 It was not possible to confirm brain stem death in this patient because of potentially reversible metabolic disturbances .
19 Only one of nine patients with stone recurrence received adjuvant bile acid therapy and treatment was stopped after two weeks in this patient because of side effects from the therapy .
20 The pilot and the aircraft form an integrated control system and the pilot is the weaker link in this system because of human limitations .
21 This is to be recommended in this case because of the susceptibility of these breeds to inter-vertebral disc problems , which can arise in the vicinity of the neck .
22 Generation has a significant role in this paradigm because in many bilingual communities , the first generation who settled in Britain from abroad were native speakers of a language very unlike English and had had little or no exposure to English .
23 Corrective measures are easier in this instance because of their size .
24 It is possible that there is no pivot in this column because for all .
25 He was n't on the piano in this intermission because in the next act they were using the orchestra pit as part of the scenery .
26 Great advances have been made in this technique because of the interest in skin grafting , and ibroblasts do not transform to cancer cells easily in culture .
27 Anthropology had a place in this scheme because for Marx it was the study of the early history of mankind .
28 ‘ We were serious contenders for government in this election because of the changes in the Labour Party which Neil Kinnock put through .
29 It appears that there are many points at which er we can identify with one another or I have found that I can identify with the church and its social responsibility in this country because of our experience in my country .
30 With racism on the increase in Europe and in this country because of high unemployment , is not there a danger that there could be yet more racial assaults in Britain ?
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