Example sentences of "[prep] they [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I feel that there should be four or five other tournaments around the country to play in order for them just to get to the national championships .
2 In 1872 , the Glasgow Mission for the Deaf was properly reorganised , and Strathern was secretary for them then acted as treasurer for many years until he resigned due to differences with the then committee .
3 If the same duty was owed to those from within as to those from without the area , the adoption of criteria for selection which distinguished between them plainly conflicted with the express statutory duty laid down by section 6(5) .
4 There was little demand from local trade unions and the Divisional Committee appears to have been only modestly active , probably because where well-established trade union organisations had members interested in educational opportunities , links between them already existed through the WEA branch organisation and were especially effective in Northamptonshire , Bedford , Luton and Ipswich .
5 The Gnostic teacher , Cerinthus , was active in Asia Minor at the time when John wrote , and he taught that the heavenly Christ came upon the human Jesus only at his baptism , and left him before his passion : the union between them only seemed to be real -actually it was merely temporary .
6 It was five or six minutes later that Piladu appeared on the mountainside , stared at them for sometime and then tramped slowly towards them tightly wrapped in his hooded cloak .
7 TESTING for a short list of illicit drugs has been labelled as myopic , since the working population as a whole tends to abuse a vast pharmacopoeia of legal but impairing substances , many of them heavily promoted by distilleries and pharmaceutical firms .
8 More of them probably remain to be identified , particularly where there were important royal centres in Saxon times .
9 It now has 680 pages , many of them richly illuminated with a flamboyant exuberance unique in Irish and Insular manuscript art .
10 On Sept. 6 President Fernando Collor de Mello ordered Justice Minister Bernardo Cabral to investigate charges by the human rights organization Amnesty International that death squads , some of them secretly operated by the police , were murdering street children .
11 You can choose from shoals of them lazily circling in tanks near your table ; some restaurants even let you catch your own meal from a pond out the back of the premises ( ’ NO FISHING LICENSE REQUIRED ! ! ! ! ’ ) .
12 However , it is worth noting two significant variants of this account , both of them closely associated with communist party intellectuals of various shades : state monopoly capitalist theory , and the various movements and arguments described as Eurocommunist .
13 France has 40 resorts and Spain 31 , most of them little known over here but none the worse for that , provided you can speak the appropriate language .
14 One of them even slept in the same room as her , but heard nothing .
15 In her interesting and vivid description of the first wave Marjorie Cosens quoted numerous testimonies by teachers to this effect , and some of them even wrote to the Board of Education .
16 Some of them even came from within the nuclear fold , concerned that the truth should be told from the inside out .
17 They seemed unaffected however , and threw their heads back , howling with unnatural laughter as they twisted their bodies in ever more contorted movements , some of them even brushing into one or other of the fires and continuing their dance as if they had n't noticed .
18 You could n't hope for a clearer sign of how things have changed in new music over the last decade or so than the sight of five eminent young , or young-ish , British composers applying their ingenuity to the art of writing divertimentos ( two of them even opting for late eighteenth-century period instrument ensembles ) as curtain raisers for last year 's Glyndebourne Mozart performances ( the promised Don Giovanni serenade by Oliver Knussen never materialized ) .
19 Some of them even have to be parents when they get home where they see at first hand the pressures to supply children with fashionable merchandise .
20 As a result , some of them even behaved like schoolchildren ; it was not uncommon , apparently , for students at A to throw paper aeroplanes in lectures — a rather immature ( but possibly understandable ) response to the frustration of endless listening and note-taking .
21 Thus all eleven of the zonal ammonites of the Lower Lias ( basal Jurassic ) belong to different genera and only two of them even belong to the same subfamily .
22 I would rather see a few children unnecessarily separated from their parents than thousands of them just remain without any parents at all ! [ … ] .
23 Most of them just go with the flow , ending up as something like a gas fitter or a policeman .
24 Some of them helped , but most of them just stood in their doorways and watched .
25 The flowers were mainly chosen to accentuate the overall silvery effect , but some of them also came from the ‘ bride 's ’ garden , as I felt this would give the picture additional meaning for her .
26 Is not it significant that the 10 authorities with the worst staying-on rates are all Labour controlled and that many of them also figure among the 20 authorities whose students have the worst GCSE results ?
27 A lot of them also stand on the part that covered by Street And I know Street has got a tenant 's action group against prostitutes .
28 In 1982 electricity utilities cancelled 18 nuclear power stations , some of them well advanced in construction .
29 The evacuees filled most of the small hotels and the Savoy , many of them financially supported by the British Government .
30 Seriously enough that is , to attempt a genetic transplant of a high concentration of Dutchness in the form of a complete theme-city , with canals , windmills , gabled houses and monuments such as the 112 metre high late Gothic Dom-tower of Utrecht , all of them exactly reproduced with an astonishing attention to detail and accuracy .
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