Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun prp] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Every day , she went to the Casa Guidi and collected any letters for the Brownings to redirect them to Rome but she no longer envied the recipients their voluminous correspondence .
2 Complain about the time it takes for the Beano to reach me .
3 ‘ When I beat Nick for the Barcelona Open it gave me a three-year exemption on the tour but it turned out to be a £90,000 exemption — that 's what it cost me to keep playing until I lost it in 1991 . ’
4 Well for the Birmingham branch it meant a reasonable sized job in cleaning up the ‘ bungalow ’ .
5 Harry looked round desperately for the O'Hanlons to assist him , but the O'Hanlons had fainted at the very outset and had been dragged clear by Ram , who was now trying to fan them back to consciousness with a copy of the Illustrated London News .
6 A spokesperson for the Halifax says they got involved because ’ … the Oxfordshire Debtline was an ideal project to help people in financial difficulties , especially when the recession was deepening . ’
7 A spokesman for the FA said they would investigate any complaints , and added : ‘ We shall look at what happens closely before we say one way or the other whether this would be allowed or not . ’
8 The idea , according to one report , was for the capital 's defenders to surrender their arms to the UN , for the Serbs to keep theirs but to pull back from the city , and for the UN to create a ‘ security belt ’ between .
9 Inevitably , writing for the Cornhill gave him a first experience of the restrictions imposed on authors by the readers of quality magazines , but for the time being he was happy to compromise in the interests of his career .
10 The Secretary General recommends that earmarked forces should be provided for the UN to give it a permanent rapid deployment force with all the requisite logistic and technical support and air and sea lift capabilities .
11 He lifted a strong hand , signalled brusquely for the Mercedes to pick them up , and pushed her into the rear seats , sliding in next to her .
12 It has never been used for that purpose , although Sir Anthony Eden contemplated invoking it for government propaganda during the Suez crisis , and during the Falklands recapture it provided the legal basis for the Government 's use of BBC transmitters on Ascension Island to beam propaganda broadcasts at Argentina .
13 As the RNO put it , ‘ Friern had been on the rack ’ .
14 As the Danzigers saw it , Gdynia was just a very expensive way of ruining them ; it proved just how hard-hearted and merciless the Poles could be , and that feeling helped to foster the growth of the Nazi Party in the Free City .
15 Having said that , though , there is undoubtedly something wild and magnificent about an institution quite as cussed , mercurial and downright weird as the NME making it through four decades of turbulent cultural and commercial waters .
16 I still had no idea where we were going , but I kept the A-Z up against my face as the Sierra overtook me .
17 It seems from this that the way this prophet learnt to prophesy was as the Lord wakened him morning by morning .
18 Forgive as the Lord forgave you .
19 As the LSCA put it : ‘ If the momentum of consultation and communication is not maintained , members will not have confidence in the leaders of the Institute nor in the future proposals for financing its activities . ’
20 In order to see things as the Trobrianders saw them , he joined their communities , learned their language , and lived among them as a member , noting and recording his observations in preparation for writing about them later :
21 I watched in disbelief as the Con-Sec paid her , counting out the notes and thumbing them from a pile on to the table in front of her so that all could witness his honesty .
22 As the Examiner put it :
23 As the Galks led them into the desert , the travellers could see the Cun arguing with the skull people , trying to reclaim their raw meat .
24 He could have told her about the IRA kidnapping him , but that would have alarmed her and the whole household .
25 When I went through the Blackfriars underpass I felt as though I had been hit by a brick , ’ she said .
26 Instead the Kette , led by the intrepid Müncheberg , dived after the Sunderland strafing it as it taxied to its moorings , and sinking it .
27 The mark also edged higher against the dollar after the Bundesbank announced it would allow market forces to set the rate for the weekly cash injection today , signalling a potential rise in the ‘ repo ’ rate .
28 The move came just 24 hours after the BBC announced it was axing Russ Abbot after audience ratings fell .
29 Four days after the Ralembergs told me about the Luciferi , I was in the Golden Turk carousing by myself .
30 RSVP was formed soon after the NRA announced it was considering building the reservoir in spring 1991 .
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