Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun] [vb mod] to " in BNC.

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1 Good educational software for the PC used to be few and far between — the graphics were normally poor , the interface fiddly and most were totally over priced .
2 The question for the court used to be whether the applicant had shown prima facie evidence , or a probability , that his legal rights were being infringed .
3 But a breach in the wall à la ITV or even Dallas does not in itself destroy the fundamental nature of the existing system ; it may contain within it forces which threaten it but a well established and respected institution such as the BBC ought to be able to adapt to change .
4 Now , anybody who cares about the country ought to be saying what they will be doing .
5 Cassock and surplice , a black cassock and white surplice once I told you that my grandmother was once living with us , she used to delight in washing my surplice and ironing it up except me when I was singing in the choir , I did n't take a , the treble solos , that was after the choir used to sister of ours at least oh twenty men , and as many lads and youths the as I say Johnny was in the choir there was er the two brothers and there was Dick was a incense boy and his father was a manager to go in the , he used to have a red cassock and surplice , but he used to Dick 's dad was the incense swinger and they used to go about swinging incense and that , I do n't suppose they do that at all now , but er your first job as a choirboy was to pump the organ it , have you ever been in the church ?
6 The more thoughtful among them point out that although many parts of the service may be over the heads of the kids , it is nevertheless directed at all worshippers and no part of the service ought to be segregated from another .
7 Public life and science are both jealous mistresses , not tolerating known devotion to another pursuit ; but at least those who administer the affairs of the country ought to , and do not , ‘ know enough of science to appreciate its value , and to be acquainted with its wants and with its bearings on the interests of society ’ .
8 Figure 1.1 on page 4 drew attention to six qualities which the whole of the curriculum ought to be encouraging .
9 And the second point too , is to say is to ask , at least to consider , whether then in some centres the work of the Synod ought to be trimmed down to match the particular work that is being done .
10 One is that it is doubtful in the extreme whether one can assume that the legislature always intended the tribunal to be the arbiter as to what the contents of the bracket ought to be .
11 The guardian ad litem takes the view that this decision is against the interests of the child and that in some way the inconvenience of the decision ought to be got round .
12 The results of the race used to be worked out in the Jay dining-room , with a lot of people doing a lot of mental arithmetic .
13 The content of the poem ought to be taken with several pinches of salt , partly because it belonged to the genre of boasting poem known as the gap which was a standard form of troubadour verse , and partly because William liked to mock himself as well as others .
14 At one time the line of the defences used to be regarded as a significant rural-urban divide , but the repeated recognition of extensive extra-mural suburbs has necessarily shifted the emphasis of enquiry .
15 The measure of the economy used to be ‘ How 's GM doing , or how 's IBM doing ? ’ and those companies have had to let people go and learn to become more efficient , ’ he said .
16 Bad teeth , like other unpleasant aspects of the body ought to be concealed or controlled .
17 That it would be out of place to use scientific discoveries in the course of the investigation ought to be clear : if science is optional , it would be improper to use results deriving from that science in justifying it ; and , if scientific results are held , tentatively , at arm 's length anyway , they are not certain beliefs that would be appropriate for philosophical argument .
18 THE CENTREPIECE OF THE games room on the ground floor of the house used to be a full-size snooker table .
19 Part of the buildings used to be an old cobbler 's shop , hence the ‘ Cobblers ’ wine bar and restaurant .
20 In July 1944 he had told the American government and in December 1944 the Soviet government that the left bank of the Rhine ought to be detached from the rest of Germany and placed under French authority , while the Ruhr 's industrial resources should be controlled by an international authority .
21 I think the inside of the mouth ought to be a bit darker .
22 I have seen away supporters being chased up the road into Pleck Park and but erm I think basically a lot of the trouble used to be caused by drink and now they do n't have any drink in the ground they er they , they seem to have cracked that one .
23 Some of the preachers used to be very enthusiastic , not to say a trifle over-active , when delivering their message .
24 Any argument concerning the merits or otherwise of the device must to a great extent be guided by a discussion on the merits/demerits of insider dealing .
25 It shows how many items of the product ought to be on the shelf ; how many are still in the stock room ; the minimum number that the store is supposed to be carrying ; whether fresh ones have been ordered if stocks are too low ; what the current price is ; and whether that price is the Kmart standard , or has been lowered to beat local competitors .
26 the standard undertaking with the banks ought to be reviewed to include the phrase ‘ out of monies received by us ’ , to avoid the implication that the performance of the undertaking was outside the control of the solicitor .
27 As one can well imagine , the surface shade so necessary for a healthy balance within the pool can to some extent be provided by waterlilies .
28 Making a list of the most powerful people in the country used to be easy .
29 CHRISTMAS Day in the Workhouse used to be an Edwardian party-piece .
30 Another difficulty with the idea of a static universe was that according to Newton 's law of gravity , each star in the universe ought to be attracted toward every other star .
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