Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun] thought [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 A correspondent of The Times thought it was ‘ like the first hearing of a great symphony ’ , and Harold Laski , never one to be outdone in either flattery or hyperbole , wrote to Baldwin that it was ‘ the greatest speech a Prime Minister has ever made ’ .
2 In Chicago everyone knew Fingers but none of the promoters thought they were worth taking a risk on .
3 On 29th October , 21 days after the accident , some of the miners thought they could hear the sound of moaning and worked with renewed vigour .
4 Whenever she could afford it Nina tried to buy one of his drawings , but most of the artists thought he was simply a nuisance and told her she was wasting her money .
5 Maureen was upset when she heard that his leave was postponed but the rest of the family thought it better for their mother that she still had Joe 's leave to look forward to , so Maureen said nothing .
6 This was just as the amateurs of the FA thought it should be .
7 It is harder to explain why the government involved the public in its actions than it is to explain why the various parties involved in the preparation of the rescript thought it could be turned to their advantage .
8 It had been reported by the colliery official and er the colliery manager of the time thought it was n't even important enough to actually stop men going in to that district to work .
9 Most importantly he misjudged the direction of the wind.He thought it was a light southerly it was north westerly .
10 Informed sources in the Caribbean thought it likely that the political maneouvrings behind all this were by way of a reprisal for a report by Lord Avebury criticizing Forbes Burnham 's ruling party for election-rigging .
11 Everybody in the embassy thought it was funny as hell , but he was pissed with it .
12 We tested this out by taking it around the office and the people in the office thought it was a bit boring we er thought it was great for the youngsters who probably like it so er erm and the merchandise we 've actually , we 've made up certain things , T-shirts and , and , and wacky items that again er relate to , to young people so that they get into the , the , the theme of the thing and the , the whole year carries forward on a , on a certain colour theme and , and , and so on , so er we 've done our best as sailing coaches not only learning to be marketeers again the money , where 's the money come from ?
13 However others in the audience thought it provocative and exciting in its willingness to zone in on what mainstream society sees as the dark underbelly of homosexual life .
14 They were great champions and everyone who saw them on the ice thought they were lovers .
15 After a time they used me as a courier : everybody else on the staff thought they were being watched .
16 I asked for 15 rehearsals for the Benvenuto Cellini in Geneva ( in February ) and both the orchestra manager and the intendant at the house thought I was crazy .
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