Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh pn] [pron] would [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But her value in his eyes was that she was his son 's future bride , through whom he would control Scotland ; he did not envisage her doing so herself as an individual monarch , and the secret agreements she made just before her marriage show how far she agreed with him .
2 Their approach was to run a business similar to a small City firm of solicitors , maintaining close relationships with a few senior people for whom they would provide a personal service and gain good repeat business .
3 They did , however have unrealised expectations about the number of clients for whom they would need to provide paid support workers even though they predicted that they would not find it necessary to provide such carers for ail clients .
4 You , my comrade in arms , my friend for whom I would have given my life . ’
5 At the same time these original articles , which were generally sympathetic to the Princess of Wales , proved to those around her , many of whom I would meet later , that at last her side of the story could be told fairly .
6 Pressed by Clem and Mrs Vaughan to stay the night , Leonora declined with grateful thanks , hoping her longing to escape was n't visible to Penry 's family , all of whom she would have liked to know better under other circumstances .
7 As he looked around the garden , he thought about who he would go + see that day .
8 It was , they said , the moment for the people to rise up in arms and obtain independence , and even though this begged the question against whom they would use these arms , there was no doubt , as the Central Committee said , that it was a moment of exceptional opportunity .
9 Hence the landing of the Imperial Guards to dilute the acid of resistance , and allow over seven hundred Space Marines led by Lord Vladimir Pugh to spearhead a fierce organised drive against the capital and the praetorian troopers , with whom they would cope .
10 In other words , party leaders in the UK are selected from experienced national politicians whose competence and party loyalty have been regularly tried and tested , who have been subject to a careful process of peer review and have come to the fore not as a result of their electoral appeal , but because they have won the confidence of the people with whom they would have to work in government .
11 He declared that he had asked Rosalyn with whom she would like to spend New Years Eve , " And she said , " Above all others , I think , with the Shah and Empress Farah . "
12 He leaves a wife , Kerry , with whom he would have celebrated his second wedding anniversary this month .
13 Trevor has often wondered whether this made him grow up with silly fussy habits which irritated the girls with whom he would like to have been involved .
14 I was especially fond of my maternal grandparents ' dog , Luath , an exquisitely patient collie with whom I would sit for hours , pretending or half-pretending that we could read one another 's thoughts .
15 Exercise : Think about someone with whom you would like to set some limits .
16 The soup seemed to fail in its purpose , and so did Herman , in whom I would have put my trust .
17 For one thing , he did not look the sort from whom one would borrow .
18 What he most looked forward to seeing were others of his kind with whom he could fly and from whom he would learn things .
19 A few yards on and she saw there was no answering wave and she faltered , uncertain if this was Ferdinando or some other lone horseman before whom she would make a fool of herself , but the closer he came the more sure she was that this was her husband and then she chided herself for thinking he had hands free to wave when one was needed for the reins and the other to hold the child .
20 Like Nelson he was thoroughly familiar with those on whom he would need most to rely .
21 Urges to punish those who repudiated the woman without whom they would have got nowhere and been nobody have surged in my breast .
22 Many of his best-paying clients were American corporations in Europe , the sort to whom he would prefer to avoid making laborious explanations .
23 One had been an Egyptian , who had tried to keep alive the Egyptian Aten religion when it looked like disappearing in Egypt itself from about the year 1315 B.C. He had chosen the Jews in Egypt as a people to whom he would teach this religion .
24 Constance was the only adult to whom she would dream of divulging Sam 's plot , since whether Constance approved or not , she would not be difficult about it : clearly , she did not approve , either because the act would be an invasion of property and privacy or because it would land them all in trouble .
25 If she had known of how the Greeks slaughtered the bearers of bad tidings she might have taken longer to decide it was her duty , but , as it was , she saw no need to fear for herself , only for the person to whom she would relate the devastating news .
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