Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh adv] we [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 But having used the Edwardian Era as an analogy in the definition of stratigraphical boundaries , let us consider the related problem of how we recognise it .
2 So if you go back to the sort of where we gave it five or six headings yeah or three to six headings you should be aiming say well I 'll input a bit of information on that side of it and at the end of that little section I 'll build in some practice in participation and the participation can be any of those ones you 've put in there on that list you gave us early on er practical allocations
3 What follows in this Promis Handbook is simply the statement of where we think we are now .
4 The question of why we want it is a psychological one , which we answer by much the same means .
5 He is the player we bring to mind first when we ask ourselves what football looks like when we enjoy it most . ’
6 In fact , he claims , colours present themselves as what they truly are , features of the world which are intrinsically to do with how we see them .
7 ‘ We get few complaints about what we do — it is usually a problem with how we do it . ’
8 Fortunately for our sanity , we can say that we know something without having to delve each time into how we know it .
9 In the case of multiple bereavement the main issue would seem to be to try and recognize with the person how many griefs they experience and where they would want to start talking about them , rather than launch into where we think they should begin .
10 Others we chatted with when we met them around the grounds , and some became temporary friends who asked us in for coffee or drinks , invitations which we pleasurably returned .
11 Often the names of people we meet play an important part in how we perceive them .
12 This does not stop us using the olfactory or tactile channels but we are restricted by social norms in how we use them .
13 We discover that our trust in the other person is founded in how we see him or her trusting in God .
14 Even from where we looked you could glimpse the glint of the huge carp pond where Abbe Gerard had drowned .
15 From where we sat we could hear their occasional bursts of laughter and the dim drone of their voices , but the words themselves were lost to us .
16 How useful these data are in revealing anything new about human social relationships depends very much on how we interpret them .
17 It is the output from the management information system to which we now wish to turn , with particular reference to how we use it to control and monitor manpower levels .
18 Words come out differently on paper to how we imagine them in our heads .
19 A thing could be regarded as made up of parts in different ways , according to how we divide it mentally .
20 It just depends on where we live I 'm not gon na go to a place just because of a school
21 Or instructions which advise the staff how a particular project , how a particular task is undertaken with guidance on why we do it .
22 These are by no means unusual examples , and Tannen spends a great deal of her paper speculating on why we do it .
23 Just gone , we 're obviously working to Italian time in this Italian job because we 've had really five minutes of stoppage time at the end of the first half and I 'm a bit baffled as to why we had it .
24 Well that 's , that 's well that 's all I can recollect in relation to why we did it the way we did .
25 You know sometimes the way forward is backward , there are no short cuts with god , if he 's leading along a certain path and were disobedient , there 's no way we can opt out of it and join the trail further along , he does n't allow it , its back to where we left it , that 's were we 've got ta get back to , we ca n't skip an experience , we ca n't miss any thing out , we 've got to go back to where we start , where we were when we left the trail and Naomi has to do just that to go back to Bethlehem , that 's the way forward for her , and you see because we all , we always find this if we are really children of god , then we can never ever be satisfied away from the will of god , there 's nothing else that meets our need , its god will or nothing , you know , when we know frustration in our lives , when we know sort of the , these annoyances and , and , and , and er sense of frustration there , its not because god is leaving us that way its invariably cos we have actually gone out of gods will because he 's will is not frustrated , its satisfying , can I just , it will only really be headings this morning , just leave us with three brief headings in this little incident that we 'll read or we , we wo n't read the whole passage but its , er in the remainder of the , or more or less the whole of the remainder of the first chapter tha that the cost was involved and then the choices that were made and then the commitment , the cost that was involved Naomi had to pay something , you see before she could return to Naomi she had to con , before Naomi sorry could return er to , to Bethlehem , she had to acknowledge she 'd done wrong , she had failed , she had sinned , she had to acknowledge she had made a mistake now in fairness to Naomi she did it and she excepted her responsibility , she did n't try and shift the blame on
26 At Chessington attendances pretty well stood still , again a very good performance in my view and er , justification for the capital spending that 's gone on in recent years to bring that er , to bring Chessington to where we want it to be .
27 the last council meeting erm so I 'm a bit confused as to where we discussed it .
28 ‘ Very close to where we picked you up . ’
29 ‘ So by giving a person a dose of the hormone it is possible to delay or advance their wake-up time , depending on when we apply it .
30 Well , I 've spoken about how we remember you but I know you have far more memories of being here those years ago and I know you 're really itching to get up off your seats and go and have a good look round to see where you were stationed and if it 's at all possible to see the huts , the billets or anything where you were .
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