Example sentences of "[prep] [det] be that if " in BNC.

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1 The reason for this is that if you put the female pupae in the tube before they hatch to the adult stage , you will ensure that females mate only with the type of male you put in the tube .
2 Bright eyes and bushy tails are at a distinct premium among this bunch , and as for the brotherhood of man , their idea of that is that if someone disagrees with you , you kill him .
3 The corollary of this is that if you absolutely love certain items like cake or chips , do not ban them from your life for ever , not even for a week .
4 Evidence of this is that if we attempt to justify them no obvious answer is forthcoming .
5 The essence of this is that if the goods are identified and agreed upon and ready to be handed over , the parties are taken to have intended the buyer to become the owner immediately , i.e. at the very instant that the contract is made .
6 So the , the consequence of this is that if you concentrate on individuals rather than on er groups , you take a completely different view of sex .
7 A side-effect of this is that if your mail starts showing your long address as opposed to the short address given for your name on the list , the dopey list software rejects it .
8 The outcome of this was that if finally recovery did actually start , no-one would believe them .
9 The thrust of this was that if the passenger liability suits went against Pan Am , the airline would seek to recover the cost of the compensation awards from the government on the grounds that the Flight 103 disaster had been due to the misconduct of government agencies .
10 The most obvious of these was that if fonts were to be provided with any application , it was better if they could be shared by others , and the Typographics fonts supplied with early versions were , if not exactly grotty , not up to the standard users would expect of , say , TrueType or ATM fonts .
11 The trouble with this is that if it did n't work it might be because the conditions and catalysts are wrong .
12 The difficulty with this is that if Individuals-do not choose consciously to subvert democracy — as Mills has argued — why is it that the military and the large corporations as institutions have to dominate the political system and subvert liberal democracy ?
13 The conclusion derived from this is that if an object is such that in principle it can not be referred to directly and unequivocally with a simple symbol , only described , then it can not qualify as a fundamental ontological existent .
14 Now the opposing argument to that is that if you create a special environment during the educational phase of a child 's life , then what happens after that for his I mean how far have you then separated them off from the sort of life that they will have to lead thereafter .
15 Right no qualifying in in in er I will tell you what the erm er sort of policy on that or opinion on that is that if you have got er a closure on the phone .
16 The counter-claim to this is that if your goods and services are competitive future trade will not be lost because you have a reasonable and commonsense approach to limiting credit orders to a certain size .
17 What I mean by that is that if there are eight or ten things running across the spectrum from left to right , they 're all at specific points , and that way you can do a more sophisticated job of layering , while still retaining a certain delicacy . ’
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