Example sentences of "[prep] [det] because [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 See I do n't see erm them shifting very much for that because by the time you 've got a bloke out paid his wages , paid for the the erm skip shifter , transporter you know .
2 Ring them up and say ‘ I hope you do n't mind me messing you about like this but I 've been thinking over your kind offer , and I realize I could fit it in after all because of a sudden change of circumstances at home and my mother 's coming down to help me out — oh , and if there 's a spare ticket — ’
3 The meeting itself was more like a wake , for more and more athletes were finding out that they were not going to compete in Edinburgh after all because of the boycott that was being staged by the African , Caribbean and Asian countries .
4 I 'd got out of that because by the time I got home she was gone .
5 First of all , I think that it it 's difficult to be sure of this because of the way in which the County Council prepared their the evidence on which I relayed relied and like Mr I did n't come here prepared to talks in detail about the inner northern .
6 ‘ Every trophy is nice but perhaps this is our best of all because of the difficulties we 've had this summer . ’
7 If the range of the music-making itself also seems circumscribed , it is so first of all because of the Russian instrumental tradition .
8 Any of the above forms of project management pose considerable strain on the project leader , perhaps the matrix form most of all because of the sophistication of the concept .
9 Nevertheless , venturing into the outback was perilous , not least of all because of the treacherous conditions of the Australian climate and terrain .
10 We 're acting like that because of the way we 've been treated in the past throughout the school .
11 I say , ‘ We treat you guys like that because of the way you act .
12 He had to think like this because of the nature of his employment , whereby he was often required to make inflated claims for the nature and properties of the products which his clients wished to bring to the daily notice of the populace .
13 Youth boss Ray Hankin said : ‘ Over the season we will get points from games like this because of the hard work we put in .
14 This is good news for all because with a few modifications hopefully on the same car I may be in with a chance for first prize next year where the prize money increases plus a trip to the States to see their ‘ Sound Off Championships ’ .
15 Yeah , erm modern when in choosing a mate and er connection with that because with the assumption that males generally do n't give any parental investment what really benefit them to you know biologically can , can support the offspring themselves short period of time why ca n't they then go you know to have their own I mean
16 I have devoted some time to the Aplysia story here , not only because of the significance of Eric Kandel 's achievement in terms of its wealth of experimental data and theoretical model building , but perhaps above all because of the place it has come to occupy , not only in the text-books , making memory research neurophysiologically respectable , but in the framing of the research field .
17 They still have the temptation to ‘ pass ’ within that because of the pressure .
18 They suffer from the drawback that warping can leave open gaps in the cladding ( waney-edged boards are particularly prone to this because of the way they are sawn ) , and so they tend to be used more on out-buildings than on house exteriors , except as feature panels .
19 He pointed out the similarity between the Chilterns and a part of the Maharajah 's estate and the suffering of local people on both because of the lack of water .
20 These arrangements tend to be very beneficial to both because of the personal commitment involved .
21 Clench ( 1947 ) discounted the idea of imbricata being a separate variety at all because of the complete intergradation he saw between the forms .
22 But that process is only possible at all because of the Incarnation , Passion , Resurrection and Ascension of Christ who lives the love of God triumphant in and beyond the sins of time .
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