Example sentences of "[prep] [det] [coord] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Yes , well you are talking about children 's services , but , I , I think if Mr 's going to talk later to this , if you want , but we are absolutely at the moment , we know that eighty nine percent of work at the child care centre is to do with child protection with to deal with it , and by that I mean abuse , physical and sexual abuse , er , concerns about that and a lot of that of course is , is tied up in procedural ways , and we 're dealing with events almost after the situation has er , got going , er , and of course , with the courts , you know that we 've got duties in relation to the courts , that we , we have to fulfil or else we are the subject of criticism from the er , courts , and we have been rapped at various er , times .
2 ‘ Mrs Henry Cox ’ , too busy for some but a favourite with many for over a century
3 The Home Guard became a joke for some and a remark once passed in my company was " What use do you think you would be against trained troops ? " .
4 Early retirement may be a release from employment for some and a refuge from the severe insecurity of the labour market for others .
5 As I say I was sitting there adding it up , a pound for this and a pound for that and your meal , a fiver for Maggie , I 'm twenty pound short off you
6 There were a lot of arguments for this and a lot against .
7 Pulling on a pair of ‘ Afro-American tribal dance boots ’ ( ie Nikes ) to complement his khaki tie-dye T-shirt and army trousers : ‘ It was a toss-up between this and a shell suit .
8 There is only one league match left after that and a West derby victory would put them out of reach .
9 There 's about another two weeks after that or a week .
10 ‘ What are you after all but a journalist ?
11 The generic label ‘ poststructuralist ’ is here useful merely as a shorthand to designate those contemporary writers who share not a hostility to history as such but a distrust of simple historicisms .
12 The faintly stoned Indian vocal line does n't help , and somehow this seems to me like a cross between ‘ What Time Is Love ’ and ‘ Fools Gold ’ with the charm of neither and a lot of other unnecessary junk .
13 And my instructions were that I I used to either let them have two thirds of that or a half , you see ?
14 ‘ A bit of this and a bit of that .
15 Bit of this and a bit of that .
16 Take a pinch of this and a pinch of that , stir well under a slow heat , and see what happens .
17 I used to go and fetch the , the butter from do n't bring margarine my father used to say we put better stuff on our machines so er I used to go to for my father kept foul , I used to fetch a peck of , bushel of this and a bushel of , you know all the various things that , bran and stuff for the foul yes , yes and I believe a lady , she has , she 's only recently died and but she kept it for a long long while Elsie her name was .
18 I 'm certainly not going to er w to say let's give you a trial of this or a trial of that , until we know what 's happened with your chest , so
19 If you would like copies of any of these or a list of the other factsheets produced send a stamped addressed envelope ( 9″ by 6″ ) to Age Concern England .
20 Having to repeat things constantly , as well as to listen to the same comments over and over again , can tax the patience of all but a saint .
21 He was received in a friendly fashion by the master of a French Basque ship of St Jean-de-Luz , who then turned on him , imprisoned him and his men , and stripped the Pilgrim of all but a minimum of food and sails .
22 The absence of all but a handful of examples in the biographical sources of this method of obtaining mevleviyets leads to the inference that someone obtaining a mevleviyet by this route could not expect to get much further in the hierarchy ; and indeed the provision itself , while not prohibiting the practice , does remove one of the principal prerogatives of the holders of mevleviyets .
23 Although intonation has been extensively studied in the last few decades , detailed descriptions of all but a handful of well-known languages are few , and the wide variety of theoretical assumptions which underlie them makes comparison difficult .
24 Put it this way : in Danu , even with FAKINTIL on the way out , with my history it was like I possessed a personal qualification : doctor , lawyer , accountant , except I was not one of those but a traitor .
25 The idea is , if one of those and a couple of the younger guys , like we did at N E C
26 Well look , get a pack of those and a pack of the Aero ones .
27 This dynamic could not indeed have developed as it did without the very considerable influence behind the scenes , particularly in the preparation of documents between sessions , of leading consultants whose theology was indeed far beyond that of any but a handful of bishops : Congar , Rahner , Philips , Chenu , Courtney Murray among others .
28 It has suggested that in the study of social policy it is important to give attention to implementation problems that arise directly from the characteristics of policy , but to recognize also that there is a complicated interrelationship between these and a range of inter- and intra-organizational factors .
29 Sometimes just one person like that or a couple of people ?
30 You lift it with Had a a thing like that and a knob like this .
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