Example sentences of "[prep] [det] [be] to be " in BNC.

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1 Does he agree that it is the height of irresponsibility to try to pretend that there can be a massive increase in spending from day one of a Government if the tax increases to pay for that are to be phased in ?
2 When sites such as this are to be destroyed , it is important that the building above the ground is recorded before it is destroyed .
3 The client gets help for day-to-day problems , but the price he pays for this is to be the landlord 's follower , to do his bidding and accept his view of the world .
4 Part of the reason for this is to be found in the constraints imposed by agencies outside the classroom .
5 The main reason is that most common polymers do not mix with one another to form homogeneous , one phase solutions or blends , and an explanation for this is to be found in the thermodynamics of solutions which have been outlined in the previous sections .
6 The reason why males die more readily than females do is attributable to the effects of testosterone and the only cure for this is to be castrated , and the earlier you are castrated the lo if you 're a male , the longer your life expectancy will become compared with , compared with females .
7 Precedent for this is to be found in Campra 's petits motets rather than in his stage music .
8 Her punishment for this was to be thrown into the arena .
9 The new organizations catering for this were to be economically more efficient and culturally more bland than the popular movements of the first half of the century .
10 However , the three DHSS manuals were not to be a permanent part of the system so only one copy of each was to be supplied per bureau .
11 The houses were to be built at a pre-arranged cost and the architectural detail of each was to be carefully considered .
12 The evidence in support of that is to be found in the evidence of Helen Taylor .
13 Proof of that was to be found in the returns to Parliament during 1826 and 1827 which showed that out of sixty-seven executions ordered against goods only forty produced payment .
14 The physical mark of this is to be seen in the indentation between the upper lip and the nose .
15 Eloquent testimony of this is to be found in John Gay 's magnificent photographs of London terminals , depicting , for instance , the forest of columns , arches , and metallic tracery supporting the roof of Liverpool Street Station and the perfect form and line of Brunel 's ‘ all interior , all roofed-in ’ Paddington , achievements that could leave only the most die-hard curmudgeon unmoved .
16 The earliest extant account of this is to be found in the Works and Days of Hesiod ( c.700 BC ) , who sought to account thereby for man 's present condition and , in particular , for his need to work .
17 An example of this is to be seen in a developing educational programme .
18 The explanation of this is to be found in the matters propounded in Chapter One , that is , that members of the human race have a deeply felt need for a ‘ god ’ and a religion , and as almost everybody is reared within a family or group with some kind of religious background , each has at least a lingering allegiance to some form of established religion .
19 The proof of this is to be found in the calendar of saints ' days for the Canterbury community which he had so offensively purged .
20 Perhaps the most interesting example of this is to be found in the Manor House garden , where a large section was unearthed and found to be well preserved .
21 A further illustration of this is to be found in the conventions governing spelling .
22 Three quarters of this is to be spent on improving housing , water supplies , sewage , roads , and communication networks to Aboriginal communities .
23 An example of this is to be found in Re Pergamon Press Ltd .
24 £ [ ] million of this is to be released immediately and the balance of £ [ ] million will be held in escrow and released following agreement of the completion accounts .
25 An illustration of this is to be found in Surinam on the Caribbean coast of South America .
26 Confirmation of this was to be found in Geoff 's continued success in the full England international side when he appeared in Graham Taylor 's starting line-up for both the post-season matches at Wembley and then distinguished himself in all four games on the Australasian tour .
27 Nothing of this was to be found in mainstream pre-conciliar Roman ecclesiology ( though it is to be found in 1950s books representative of the ‘ new theology ’ by scholars like de Lubac and Congar , writers under much official suspicion at the time ) .
28 One-half of this was to be sold by auction , and the profits above the official price of $ 42.2 an ounce were then to be used to promote aid to the less developed countries , whereas the other half was to be sold back to members at the prevailing official price .
29 F7,000 million of this was to be repaid over six years ( with a three-year grace period ) , while the remainder was to be paid back by the end of 1989 .
30 The government 's plan was to cut a 70m wide swathe through the forest for a major highway and that 100km both sides of this was to be developed .
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