Example sentences of "[prep] [det] [be] [that] at " in BNC.

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1 What was interesting about that was that at the time John Brown got into financial difficulties the banks and institutional shareholders took a tough but very constructive view that it was worth helping the company through a reconstruction rather than forcing it into liquidation , which had been an attitude prevalent some years earlier .
2 The unusual thing about this was that at Binbrook there was an engineering type called Matthew , a corporal , who also played this instrument , and it did n't take long for the two to discover each other .
3 One indication of that was that at the request of the British , both sides agreed to stop the radio propaganda campaigns they have been waging against each other .
4 Such great open-air markets can be seen at Northampton , Newark and Leicester , for example , and most notable of all was that at Nottingham , where the vast triangular market place covers five-and-a-half acres and was once even larger .
5 The problem with these is that at the moment they end we say " Thank God that 's over ! " and return to eating " normally " — " normally " being all the rubbish we ate before .
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