Example sentences of "[prep] [det] [noun] [vb base] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It was painful enough knowing they had both let their love for each other slip so easily away , but the speed with which he 'd filled the void she 'd left really cut into her .
2 Investors will receive one Zeneca share for each ICI share already held .
3 Full specifications for each award have already been sent to centres .
4 Some reservations about this view have already been suggested , but it was acknowledged that elements of bargaining are by no means absent from the British scene .
5 All MPs with private members ' bills scheduled for this session have already got their bills under way following normal procedures .
6 Some of the consequences for this group include over 120 spontaneous leukaemias during the next 50 years and an increased risk of genetic disorders in future generations ( Anspaugh et al. , 1988 ) .
7 The data for this elaboration come mainly from a participant observation study at Oxford United and from conversations at a local youth club , but data from other grounds are included to show that Oxford United is far from being an isolated case .
8 The respective merits of each route have already been discussed in para 2.4 above .
9 They all lifted their arms in unison , and a battery of flashlights went off , making the jewel-like colours of each robe shimmer as vibrantly as the vivid hues of the glass in the shop window .
10 SIGNED AND ACKNOWLEDGED by the above-named MARIUS STEEN the Testator as and for his LAST WILL in the presence of us both present at the same time who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses : William Bartlemas Keanophile Kevin O'Rourke Macreadophile
11 But the time to ‘ recognise ’ it image by image had gone ; just as the moments of each day fade away , so I 'd forgotten it .
12 New versions of each format appear regularly and each update has new features .
13 If however the shares of each party have never been determined , then at least proper service of the notice of severance ensures that severance has taken place with the advantage as mentioned earlier ( see p51 ) .
14 In particular , Marx claimed that ‘ the ruling ideas of each age have ever been the ideas of its ruling class ’ ( Marx , 1977 : 236 ) .
15 So there 's your right angle that is the hypotenuse and the square on the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares , that 's the su , the area of that square and the area of that square add together the sum of the squares on the other two sides .
16 He 's at us all the time , but boys of that age do so like to be morally superior , do n't they ? ’
17 The issue really concerns whether we can capture the point where social reality actually alters so that people either side of that line have structurally different resources and social relations .
18 It is believed to have been highly critical of the way the department was operating , but again the contents of that report have never been disclosed .
19 But the quality , quantity and content of that training differ very considerably .
20 Criticisms of that research have already been discussed in Chapter 5 ( pp. 58 – 9 ) .
21 ‘ But none of us wish to see anything of that sort happen ever again , do we ?
22 You can confirm this that there have been any convictions for er er er two men conspiring to commit armed robbery or anything of that sort have there ?
23 She felt the warmth of that kiss steal slowly up her arm and wrap itself around her heart .
24 Voters turned away from Labour and the Liberal Democrats because they feared the consequences of a Labour government — and the sources of that fear go well beyond the circumstances of 1992 .
25 However , we noted in Table 16.4 that the UK composite tax rate is currently less than 40 ( 10 , and reductions below this level receive little support from econometric studies .
26 Hall says that mutations in the genetic code of some bacteria occur more often when they are useful than when they are not .
27 I only ask this question because devotees of this composer have probably never been in a better position to acquire a good cross-section of his output on disc .
28 Parts of this route have deservedly become very popular .
29 Several other salts of this radical have since been prepared , all of which have a similar appearance .
30 ‘ Let the men of this country take home , each one , his wife and his babes , and we should hear no more of shortage of work and lowering of wages . ’
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