Example sentences of "[prep] [det] [noun] that [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Part of the considerable achievement of Michael Mann 's imaginative but faithful treatment is that it manages to make acceptable for the 1990s some of the outmoded attitudes of its characters , and yet refuses to go for that eco-trendiness that will make Dances With Wolves look dated by the turn of the century .
2 Happily my inspector friend was at hand , He opened the Chief Constable 's hospitality cupboard , I had a dram and was told that they had been tipped off that afternoon about some Scot that would run some sheep through the Lion .
3 There are programs available for some computers that will print out various sizes and types of bar codes .
4 And having made their decision they set out with a will to forge a network of rough roads through this wilderness that would link the stockades of wire .
5 It is only by experiment , experience and observation of the sensitivity of each patient that can determine the optimum size of dose to give .
6 the grammatical pattern of a language ( as opposed to its lexical stock ) determines those aspects of each experience that must be expressed in the given language .
7 The woman whom he paid for her favours so as to learn of that enchantment that could fuddle men and women ?
8 The legal concept of incorporation and the creation of separate legal personality must entail the recognition of interests of that entity that might require legal protection on the international plane .
9 For the ‘ purist ’ , applying a strict and arbitrary cut-off date such as 1900 creates the need of another category that will enable the capturing of examples already cited .
10 Even I can think of some lines that would come too near the knuckle for his liking . ’
11 If we had some method a l a laser of some kind that could measure the degree of pain that Mrs A is supposed to be suffering , it would it 'd solve a lot of problems .
12 Elsewhere there are some uneven and four-square passages which prevent one 's subscribing to a view of this work that would equate it with the successors Benoliel names .
13 What of this thirst that can be satisfied by an unquenching drink ?
14 ‘ That is the only possible explanation for the steady supply to newspapers and authors of this information that can only put more pressure on the prince and the Royal Family .
15 Against a side of this quality that could be very dangerous . ’
16 On the end of this walk that used to bother me , cos it used to be going till four and five in the mo you know in the morning .
17 While the local residents might tolerate the noise and disruption from an occasional late night party , some limitation needs to be set on the number of such functions that can take place .
18 A further difficulty concerns the sheer numbers of such spores that would need to be involved .
19 But there 's nothing unusual about the appearance of either man that might help us ? ’
20 Robertson said : ‘ It was one of these matches that could have gone either way , but it 's very disappointing to lose all three sets on a 7-6 scoreline . ’
21 He was local to the area , I think it was one of these bakers that used to used to do it but er he probably only used to do it once a week sell it once a week I think of all the people that was on course we got the best , we got the best place and er and it came out that the erm tourist information booklet .
22 So , what we 've got is four of these books that will go and condense into one copy ,
23 Any breach of these undertakings that can not be put right will lead to a deferred inheritance tax charge based on the current market value of the item concerned .
24 Well I think I would wait Stefan until the oily film had gone off the top of the water for tender plants but then I am one of these people that would always tender plants with tap water anyway because you never know what 's in do you in rain water , anything can congregate in a pot , it can be infected with all sorts of things and I would just use this water on the garden in the first twelve months or so or use it on shrubs and things like that if it was required and then go on to er things like perennials but then you could use it on almost anything but with the proviso that you may have contamination in that water if it 's from Water Board .
25 Cos people generally do n't , I mean I do n't know , it depends how , well it depends if you 're one of these people that can walk in and not care that you look completely different to everyone else .
26 The ubiquitous tools of this form of inquiry are a multiple regression computer program and a data bank of all variables that might be relevant .
27 The Camellia first flowered in this country at Thorndon , where many of the curious journeyed to see it as well as trellises backing the stoves covered with ‘ all sorts of passion-flowers , clematis 's of all kinds that could be procured and Creeping Cereus . ’
28 His nursery being fully stocked with flowering shrubs , of all sorts that can be pictured , with these he borders the outskirts of all his plantations and he continues , annually , raising from seed and layering , budding , grafting , that twenty thousand trees are hardly to be missed out of his nurseries .
29 Table 7.3 shows the percentage of all additions that will be held in independent overflow for various combinations of embedded overflow area size and number of additions .
30 ‘ Mirror mirror on the wall , who is the fairest of them all ? ’ is just one of many lines that will keep children enthralled in the new Sainsbury Book of Fairytales .
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