Example sentences of "[prep] [coord] [adv prt] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 A Bowser portable tank and pump for pumping petrol either into or out of a car .
2 In the jargon of finance an annuity is just a regular flow of cash into or out of an account .
3 Partnerships would be fed with , and themselves would feed , to and fro , data , experience and insights into and out of a web of reliable intelligence .
4 Some very useful aids are rails for baths or toilets and hoisting machines for lifting people out of bed , from a chair or into and out of a bath .
5 Even in the early 1960s , though Piraeus is less far away over the water than Dover is from Calais , taking a car to Aegina meant winching it into and out of a caique .
6 If we are prone to hyperventilating during panic attacks , and otherwise at times of increased anxiety , we must learn techniques which help us to breathe more slowly and deeply , from the stomach rather than the chest , and we may also need to rebreathe our own air , breathing into and out of a paper bag , or cupping our hands close to our mouth to catch and rebreathe the exhaled air .
7 With the junction-box system , the cable runs into and out of a succession of junction ( connection ) boxes , and separate cables run from the box to the rose and its light .
8 The cable of a junction box system runs into and out of a succession of junction boxes .
9 Some less obvious conditions , such as arthritis of the shoulder , can make it very difficult to get into and out of a car .
10 As the sampling proceeds , therefore , a continual shuffling of proposed sample members into and out of an auxiliary subfile is required , a procedure ideally suited to the computer .
11 When multi-track sound mixing is being carried out it is necessary to cue the various tracks in and out to a precisely laid-down programme , a task which is made much easier by reference to a ‘ dope-sheet ’ .
12 I rambled aimlessly for about an hour , in and out of dirty narrow streets , their only saving grace being their brevity , in and out of a variety of shops , bought some oranges from the market stalls , the most interesting feature of the wretched place , then went in to see an ‘ explicit sex ’ film and was presented with a badly mutilated and heavily censored version of some third-rate continental film which I left within the first fifteen minutes .
13 They are structured in such a way that while we feel our way visually into the space suggested by the subject our eyes are simultaneously being run up the picture by short thrusts in and out of a limited pictorial depth .
14 Secondly , pathways do not have to weave their way in and out of a single tree .
15 4.15 In Povey v Governors of Rydal School [ 1970 ] 1 All ER 841 the plaintiff was awarded £8,400 to cover the cost of renewing over a period of 25 years the special hydraulic lifting appliance required to lift his wheel-chair in and out of a motor car .
16 ‘ I hope you do n't intend to bring him something every time you see him , ’ she said , returning to the terrace to find the child energetically shunting toy cars in and out of a smartly painted wooden garage .
17 So in fact , we could have caused chaos on Oxpens Road by parking the bus on double yellow lines and making a big thing of getting handicapped children out , in and out of a specialised vehicle , but we , we actually prefer not to do that , and we go on the car park each week , and we pay the same fee as anybody else fee , pays because er we feel that that 's the right and proper place for us to be and the children to be , as they 're just ordinary members of the community with some special needs .
18 Barns were supposed to have hay in them — they did in the movies — where the hero could hide while the baddies , with a total disregard for blood poisoning or spread HIV , jabbed a pitchfork in and out like a demented barman trying to get the last maraschino out of the bottle .
19 And it ran on , beyond the perimeter of the chamber , on and on in a straight line for hundreds of metres , for kilometres , dwindling in the distance to a taut thread against darkness but still stretching away .
21 A separate report indicated that Iran may have been working on the development of such a weapon on and off for a good decade .
22 The electricity industry has an extra desire : to switch consumers ' equipment on and off from a central point .
23 One day Judge Raymond Dean was reminding us of the perils of ignoring men 's bestial nature-— ‘ Men ca n't turn their emotions on and off like a tap as some women can ’ ; the next , Prince Edward was vehemently denying his alleged homosexuality by expressing outrage that such an insult should be levelled at him ; meanwhile , on TV the Audi driver screeched to a halt at the hospital where — with toddler in arms — he managed narrowly to miss his second child 's birth , and Good Housekeeping boasted a curious advert showing New Man ( Audi safely in the garage ? ) in boxer shorts , cradling new baby , sitting on a German washing machine .
24 ‘ You ca n't just switch your emotions on and off like a light-switch . ’
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