Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] could be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If the right kind of Masai could be persuaded to act as government headmen , C.E.V. Buxton said , ‘ the ideal of indirect rule could be achieved ’ .
2 In 1942 , after a long preamble once again accusing the government of ‘ favouritism ’ towards the Masai , he asked in the Legislative Council if a thousand square miles of Masailand could be set aside for ‘ settlement of fighting services personnel , when their job of destroying our foul enemies , who would make slaves of the Masai , is completed ’ .
3 There was also a possibility that documents seized during the US invasion of Panama could be ruled inadmissible as evidence on the grounds that they were illegally obtained .
4 US conservatives have begun arguing openly that if the Sandinista Government tries to remain in power after the scheduled election in February , the invasion of Panama could be used to justify a new wave of military intervention .
5 The thing that worries some people is that as it 's come at this particular time that some of the things that might have been done five years ago by Local Education Authorities to improve their whole education for children with special needs may now , either through other competing financial pressures , or through inertia or whatever , the whole spirit of Warnock could be lost , and I think it 's a thing that , you know , one will have to keep a careful eye on .
6 The appalling claustrophobia of Heterosoc could be subverted there . ’
7 As the day grew ever nearer the excitement mounted and if November 5th fell at a weekend , we had an added bonus because the whole of Saturday could be spent in topping up .
8 A fifth of England could be built on by the middle of the next century , according to a report from the Council for the Preservation of Rural England ( CPRE ) , which finds that countryside is disappearing much faster than official figures suggest .
9 Mullineux ( 1985 ) argues that many functions carried out by the Bank of England could be done so by private sector institutions .
10 The North of England could be forgiven scepticism .
11 Unlike the Treaty of Rome , where acceptance was totally contractual , membership of EFTA could be renounced upon giving only one year 's notice of withdrawal .
12 A tower loomed over the roofless mansion , and beyond it , the spire of the Church of Ireland could be seen .
13 In an important early study , it was found that the induction of LTP could be blocked by the intracellular injection of the Ca 2+ chelator EGTA .
14 It was a relatively easy business to navigate from Spurn Head to the Dutch coast since the glow of Rotterdam could be seen 100 miles away .
15 All you have to do is write and tell us the name and address of your favourite bar — anywhere in the country — and a case of Kulta could be sent there for you to collect or even enjoy on the premises .
16 From the time of Peter 's declaration of faith , the material of each of the Synoptic Gospels is written in the style of a journey to Jerusalem in order that the destiny of Jesus could be accomplished .
17 If — and given the Republic 's apparent naval and air strength it was a big ‘ if ’ — the Army of Africa could be transported from Morocco to the mainland , the military advantage would shift dramatically towards the rebels .
18 The report also looks at ways in which the effectiveness and targeting of ICA could be improved — for example by increasing the level , raising the earnings rule and by improving the take-up of Attendance Allowance .
19 Whereas the emphasis of PPB could be thought of as being economic and financial , the emphasis of MBO was managerial .
20 His whole life was a search for quietness in which the voice of God could be heard ( see 15.92 ) .
21 Indeed , one of Nicholas I 's ministers , Count Uvarov , was later to remark that the history of Siberia could be divided into two periods — before and after Speranskii .
22 The joint chiefs of staff reviewed the role of Japan in defence policy and recommended to James Forrestal , the Secretary of Defense , on 1 March 1949 that in consequence of the serious world crisis and the probability of this crisis deepening , appropriate measures should be taken at an early date so that the ‘ military potential ’ of Japan could be utilised should events warrant it .
23 Later that year McNamara pressed for a conventional build-up by all the members of Nato so that a Warsaw Pact attack in the heart of Europe could be resisted long enough ( without recourse to nuclear weapons ) to persuade the USSR of the gravity of the situation and to encourage it to negotiate .
24 If the warring nations of Europe could be persuaded to abandon their dreams of victory , then there was some hope the peace they negotiated would be a just and lasting one .
25 This still held good under Henry III and Edward I. But there were at least two means whereby the un-welcome connotations of homage for the king-duke of Aquitaine could be made more acceptable .
26 The inner sanctuary or Holy of Holies could be entered only by the High Priest , once a year on the Day of Atonement .
27 Erm from a personal point of view , I do n't really find it credible that planking down fourteen hundred houses in the Vale of York could be said to improve landscape quality .
28 A PIONEERING scheme to boost police manpower on the streets of Darlington could be extended throughout County Durham .
29 McCool was omitted from the afternoon singles along with National champion Eavan Higgins so that Hazel Kavanagh of Grange could be given her first match in the tournament and Barbara Hackett from Castletroy her second outing .
30 This semi-autonomous status , compounded by the administrative disintegration of China during these years , persuaded Japan that the future of Manchuria could be separated from that of China .
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