Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] has [vb pp] some " in BNC.

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1 Although the complex divisions in the DUP 's North Belfast branch accord slightly with the view that there is a basic conflict between old extremists and new ‘ moderates ’ in that McQuade , while he was alive , supported Seawright against the executive , the departure of Seawright has seen some of the founder members , who left when he became a force , returning .
2 The Bank of England has lost some independence in recent years because of the formalisation of what were previously informal supervisory activities .
3 The county of Gloucestershire has seen some turbulent times over the centuries , not least of them in the present one .
4 The Princess of Wales has seen some of Eygpts most important royal relics including the tomb of Tutankhamun .
5 A team of scientists from the distinctly untropical environment of the University College of North Wales in Bangor has solved some of these problems by designing food fit for a prawn to eat .
6 The gyro-compass inside Summerchild has developed some mysterious fault and , unremarked by the crew , the plane is veering further and further off course .
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