Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] had been [prep] " in BNC.

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1 His first impression of Galvone had been of a mobster , but Newman had met other reasonably honest Americans holding high positions who had made the same initial impression .
2 By the end of the year he had obtained livery of his spiritualities and temporalities , although a protracted and bitter dispute ensued for over a year with Archbishop Walter Reynolds [ q.v. ] over the sums Hamo claimed as due to him for vacancy , during which the see of Rochester had been in the archbishop 's hands .
3 Everyone he had met in Fontanellato had been very kind , a good deal kinder than the people of Štanjel had been to his successor ; which was encouraging .
4 The Judaization of Jerusalem had been under way since the Israelis occupied the whole city in 1967 , but this was the first occasion on which Jews had moved into the Christian Quarter .
5 There had been heated argument in the Supreme Soviet about the method of electing a President , and for over a week members of the opposition Democratic Party of Tadjikistan had been on hunger strike in support of popular elections .
6 President François Mitterrand of France had been on board the yacht two days previously during a private visit .
7 At the end of the sixteenth century the ‘ crowned republic ’ of Poland had been in some ways one of the great powers of Europe .
8 Dear little thing he was , just like Jenny had been at his age .
9 Until the early 1980s , unemployment in Sheffield had been below the national average for the whole of the post-war period .
10 The many part-time farmers in Germany had been under the same economic pressures as their counterparts in the UK in recent years .
11 This confirmed a dramatic reversal in the political fortunes of the Azerbaijan Popular Front , which in January had been on the verge of taking power with mass support until Soviet troops had staged a bloody crackdown .
12 Shelter 's research has found up to half of all homeless young people in Scotland had been in care , but only 34 per cent of district councils categorise them as vulnerable .
13 The man leading the hunt for the killer , Det Chief Insp Barry Hill , said forensic experts from Wetherby had been to the scene .
14 The most recent public execution in Albania had been in 1986 .
15 He used the occasion to inform the public that his decision to withdraw from the campaign in July had been in response to a Republican dirty tricks campaign which had included a plan to smear his daughter through manufactured photographs and to disrupt her forthcoming wedding .
16 " All men fought ; all men in England had been to India for the duration of the last war , leaving behind them a country of women .
17 They said that an AI group from Austria had been in touch with them with help and support , and that people from all over the world were pressing for his release .
18 Some of the very earliest composing machines in Britain had been in use in Edinburgh in the 1860s .
19 The violent street demonstration witnessed by Abercrombie in Beirut had been in protest at these electoral violations .
20 The opposition MPs who opposed the Government move claimed that only one small bookmaker in Edinburgh had been in favour of late opening .
21 Britain 's initial position of support for Cramra had been to all intents and purposes relinquished by the end of the meeting .
22 Paul Gascoigne 's career and his hugely expensive transfer to Lazio had been in doubt ever since his disastrous knee injury in last year 's FA Cup Final , but the night club fracas which brought about a further fracture made a successful recovery look still less likely .
23 Aleksandr Shokhin , the minister in charge of social protection , said at a news conference on Feb. 5 that price rises since January had been in the region of 300-350 per cent rather than the 250 per cent anticipated by the government .
24 Climate Changer is an intriguing choice , since its business to date has been developing applications for the air-conditioning industry — its previous link to OCT had been as a large user of the machines .
25 My visit to Harrogate had been to gee me on .
26 In fact the earliest exports to Australia had been in 1820 but the breed did not become established for another 30 years .
27 However , the Court did conclude that the dropping of the atomic bombs on Japan had been in violation of international law .
28 Meanwhile , strike partner While there has been no doubting the high regard Beardsley is held in around Everton , many had begun to question Mo Johnston , whose future at Goodison had been in doubt after two months in the cold , looks to have earned a temporary reprieve following his equaliser against Liverpool .
29 The junior leader training at the Army Apprentice College at Harrogate had been on weekend leave and was due back at 11pm on Sunday .
30 Dragging him away from the house at Harlaching had been like drawing teeth , and on the drive to the airfield he had stopped the car to pick wild flowers , in the name of God !
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