Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] and [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Standardisation of time was necessary because cancer incidence is rising slowly in the west of Scotland and because prescribing atenolol increased greatly during the period of study ( fig 1 ) .
2 Nomination on the basis of so-conceived merit is objected to as non-democratic ; election on the basis of popular franchise is objected to as duplicating the House of Commons and as giving to the House of Lords a much more convincing title to oppose the Commons .
3 The author of the Life of Wilfrid , who represents Wilfrid as persuading the king and queen to accept the word of God and as preaching to a people who had never before heard the Gospel , undoubtedly exaggerates the paganism of the southern Saxons , for Bede reveals from non-Wilfridian sources , first , that Aethelwealh had married a Christian princess and had been baptized himself and , second , that a number of ealdormen and thegns had likewise received baptism , with the priests , Eappa , Padda , Burghelm and Aeddi ministering to the common people either at the time of Aethelwealh 's conversion or subsequently ( HE IV , 13 ) .
4 Only once had I feared the heat of Egypt and that had been in a waking dream .
5 One thing she was quite certain of — she was in love with Edward and that meant she would have to continue to let him — or he would find someone else who would .
6 But I was very much in love with Isobel and that prevented my from looking too hard at the mess I had created .
7 There are no nationwide ley systems , though possible local arrangements are beginning to be discerned-particularly alignments onto ‘ holy hills ’ , as in Bolivia and as noted by the German researcher Dr Josef Heinsch during his researches before the Second World War .
8 The Dents owned the very first car in Baldersdale and that created quite a stir I remember being at school when they first drove it round the place and the teacher brought us all out on to the road to have a closer look at this amazing thing .
9 That led to the Hundred Years War , and in the summer of 1346 , Edward III landed in Normandy and that led to the battle of Crecy on 26th .
10 We met in Bologna and while discussing the painting I informed him that the original had turned up at Wildenstein 's in New York , and had recently been sold to a New York private collector and that an article of mine was in proof , publishing the New York picture as the original .
11 The Mamur Zapt was in charge of law and order in Cairo and that meant keeping the city quiet and stopping them all from getting at each other 's throats .
12 Funded jointly by the NHS Management Executive and the SSI , it will be run by the Nuffield Institute in Leeds and if used correctly will prevent the wheel being reinvented .
13 The recommendation will be put by the ITF 's Rules of Tennis Committee to the Committee of Management in Paris in June and if accepted , it will travel to the Dominican Republic in September for presentation to the ITF Annual General Meeting , where , if it receives a ⅔ majority from delegates in attendance , it will become the first time that a new rule has been introduced since 1989 , when the tie break was standardised .
14 He had mentioned that they would have the full story on Saturday and that had changed Patrick 's mind for him .
15 However , examined in the clear light of another day , I decided you 'd felt lousy about cheating on Simon and that dismissing the afternoon had been a get-out . ’
16 We 've got to see the Oxford United that played at Blackburn , that played at Tottenham and that played at Chelsea , if they 're going to get anything out of the game .
17 Pat Wells describes the attack : ‘ This was our first readiness at Malta and whilst sitting in the crew room were astonished to hear the air-raid sirens howling — in the U.K. we had always been airborne before the sirens sounded .
18 And than at a later stage go bock and have a go at Sally and and remind her of all these good things that you talked about .
19 And it 's all all the loads have to be signed by Chand and or to say
20 The difference between the fragmentation described by Braverman and that analysed by Stone is that the former came about in order to de-skill and control through Tayloristic practices , while the latter came about partly in order to create a range of jobs which could be formed into a job ladder .
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