Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] [conj] [adv] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't know how much to take , I might take ten pounds worth or something , I do n't need that much why , I need some money for Saturday as well do n't I ? , should n't need that much though
2 ‘ I want to win the junior at Wembley and be selected for the junior team for Brussels and then go into seniors and win the world championship at seventeen and be selected for the Olympics before I 'm twenty-one . ’
3 I am a veterans visitor for JS and so come into contact with veterans who have served many years with the company .
4 All you 've got to do is chat to him about Tuscany and then twist the conversation around so you can slide in a few of my questions . ’
5 A London Irish player from Western Samoa , second row Mata'afa Keenan , is also expected to declare for Ireland and thus become eligible for the Exiles .
6 I practise in the London Borough of Newham and also give medical advice to the family health services authority through the department of general practice and primary care of the Joint Medical Colleges of St Bartholomew 's and the London Hospitals .
7 What are the potential sources of R.F.I. and how do you overcome them ?
8 This may have been true also of part at least of Surrey and conceivably part at least of the kingdom of the East Saxons .
9 This lack is astonishing when one thinks of the innumerable ancient towns of England that richly deserve such a study .
10 The dominant Labour Party included large sections of industrial South Wales which was openly hostile , fearing that devolution would separate Wales from the economic and social structure of England and perhaps become a paradise for linguistic nationalists .
11 Experience suggests that spent fuel will arrive on non purpose-built ships at ports in the south of England and then travel by road to Dounreay .
12 Rather than give the Secretary of State expert opinions that I do not have , I suggest that all those involved in the political process here , in Northern Ireland , in the Republic of Ireland and everywhere have a bounden responsibility to start proper negotiations to end the nightmare that continued this weekend .
13 Since 1986 's ‘ It 's Only A Long Way Across ’ , his songs have come wrapped in an electric blanket which has been soaked in the bog-holes of Ireland and then dry cleaned in the side alleys of Greenwich Village .
14 It is well known in the executive search world that it is hard to prise really good people out of IBM or indeed attract those out of IBM whom IBM truly wish to keep .
15 Transfer Theatre open their new devised music-theatre show THE TIME OF HER LIFE at the end of January and then go on a tour throughout the North West , Midlands and South until March .
16 Rangers are four points clear of Aberdeen and also have a game in hand over the Dons .
17 I track him down to the University of Saskatchewan and just catch him at home before he leaves for work .
18 From there he went on to become kadi of Edirne and then kadi of Istanbul .
19 This would help to explain Scott 's ability to produce the vast quantity of work displayed in the House of Commons and still carry on with his normal office work .
20 Men might reject the guiding hand of Providence and increasingly take control of their own lives , but death , when it came to them or their loved ones , had the same countenance that had frightened their ancestors .
21 In the case of Molla Sayyid Muhammad al-Nakib ( Yavuz Celebi ) , on the other hand , Ata'i merely notes that he started off his career as a kasabat kadi , then turned to the medrese system in which he was given a 40-akce medrese and subsequently worked his way up to the Suleymaniye Darulhadis — probably by this time the premier medrese in the empire to which he was appointed in 1012/1604 : he later became kadi of Eyup and then nakibulesraf .
22 Romania would import Iranian oil via its port of Constanza and then process it in refineries specially built for the purpose .
23 However , by adept diplomacy , he was able to impose a form of pax Britannica on what had hitherto been a turbulent part of Africa and thereby maintain the conditions best suited for fostering trade .
24 Church of Ireland members , largely of English origin though less conscious of it , predominated in the south of Ulster and still constitute the majority among the protestant farming community .
25 They will follow in the footsteps of the celebrated William Johnston of Ballykilbeg and also visit Dolly 's Brae , site of the famous ‘ Twelfth ’ confrontation in 1849 .
26 When researchers want to understand what it is like to be , say , a Moonie , they can submit themselves to the sorts of conditions that a Moonie experiences — so far as these are social ; but the real Moonie can , quite legitimately , protest that if the researcher does not have a personal experience of God or actually know in their heart that it is the Unification Church which has discovered the best way to live , they can not really understand what it is like to be a Moonie .
27 In Darcy 's Utopia each man will attempt to read the mind of God and not rely on others to do it for him .
28 The rest of mankind , including the American Indians , were of quite separate and earlier stock , all members of which are , by their nature , lost in primeval savagery , except the Christians who have been redeemed by the grace of Christ and thus belong to God 's Elect .
29 St Bridget is supposed to have quickly twisted some dry reeds into the form of a cross , so that a dying pagan could see the symbol of Christ and perhaps enter Heaven .
30 ‘ I will be out of contract at the start of August and honestly do n't know what is happening .
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