Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] [be] [verb] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Nowadays 100 million cups of Ovaltine are drunk each year .
2 We had absolutely no budget for such a venture ( already undertaken by the Italian and United States Governments ) until Lord Carrington of Christie 's suggested this collaboration ’ .
3 The lack of reaffirmation of their society thought to be implicit in the low fertility current in the Federal Republic of Germany is worrying some members of that society , quite apart from the obvious material consequences .
4 The Island of Taiwan is situated several hundred miles off the Chinese mainland , west of Hong Kong ; Japan lies a few hours ’ plane ride north-west while the Philippines rest a similar distance southwards .
5 We have separate custodians , the Bank of Scotland are doing this and er I think er having a separate organisation outside is er an important first step , but you 've then got to tie up who gives them instructions and that obviously needs careful thought , needs to be done through the trustees .
6 Other regions of Scotland were to follow that lead and it led to the formation of the the Scottish Golf Union which , today , has 16 member areas .
7 Item twenty four meeting held on the eleventh of January are received those in favour please say aye .
8 ‘ I know there will be those who are unhappy … but I am also convinced that millions of Argentines are applauding this measure , ’ he said at the weekend .
9 The story goes that when the House of Commons was discussing this issue , a leading politician was heard to exclaim : ‘ If the Book of Common prayer was good enough for St Paul , it is good enough for me ! ‘
10 The former Soviet Republic of Turkmenistan is planning several projects to modernise its telecommunications system and agreement has been reached with Turkey for the installation of a 200-line telex exchange , and NEC Corp and Mitsui & Co are working to modernise existing telecommunications in the country ; the Ministry of Posts & Telecommunications is also looking into buying in payphones that will be able to handle international calls .
11 When the new state of Israel was declared this act would be considered an unforgivable sin .
12 To confront the anger of God is to find some deeper reality about ourselves and our world that we would prefer to forget .
13 The National Council of Aviculture are bringing this special talent along with an assortment of their birds — everything from canaries to spectacular birds of prey .
14 " The Mayor of Aberdare was assassinated this morning as he stepped from a train at Swansea station .
15 The University of Nottingham is meeting these challenges by maintaining its commitment to the highest quality teaching and research .
16 Will my hon. Friend join me in paying tribute to the imaginative experiment that the Lord Mayor of London is supporting this year , in which young people go into schools to help pupils with learning difficulties and those who are quicker than the rest of the class ?
17 Perhaps one of the most valuable assets of TL is restoring some tangible contact with the environment , although only to a limited extent .
18 The New City of Craigavon is taking many of these extra people , as well as some who are moving out from the older areas of Belfast which are being rebuilt .
19 The vineyards of Bisseuil are set some distance back from the village and grow at a height of about 160 metres on the south-east-facing slopes of Mont Aigu , which forms the eastern side of the Val d'Or in which Avenay is located .
20 moving off the shelves and into the shop and , what we would do was erm deli people now do er , stock an order by computer and , and people like Sainsburys were doing that in the seventies , you know , and they would actually work over er work on erm data erm , from their computer and order er erm you know , okay , they 'd be an event at the weekend or something and they 'd , they 'd of , increase it or something , but they would technically work out exactly what the throughput of certain items were .
21 But she denied that the only reason she later gave evidence against Frak was to avoid any suspicion that she 'd hit Mrs Fribbens .
22 Perhaps people like Sheridan were born that way , as if without arms .
23 RAF Church Fenton near York is to close this month after 55 years .
24 But a £1 billion Eurobond would be the biggest the market has ever had to digest and capital markets experts were yesterday sceptical about how easy it would be for Lloyd 's to make such an issue without hefty costs .
25 That evening , just after six , he had delivered some parcels at the Post Office and then dropped into Oliver 's to purchase some cigarettes .
26 Pakistan also have strong support from ex-Test stars from other countries such as Australia 's respected former captain , Richie Benaud , who says : ‘ On the opening day of the final Cornhill Test I was privileged to witness some of the finest swing bowling in the 44 years that I 've been in the game .
27 An article in the weekly Die Zeit urging a more liberal citizenship law said only about 1,000 of the 1.8 million Turks in Germany are naturalised each year under complicated rules .
28 Cursory reading of the financial pages over the past few months would have left the average reader with the impression that while the US and UK economies were laboriously but undeniable clambering out of the recessionary trough , Japan was flat on its back and looking like getting worse before it got better , and that high interest rates in Germany were plunging that economy into a recessionary black hole and dragging most of the rest of the continent with it — now comes a report from International Data Corp saying its Global IT Survey of 5,000 computer executives , 500 chief executives and finance chiefs , and 1,100 local network managers in six biggest economies indicates that growth in computer spending will rise 2% to 3% in 1993 and , surprise , surprise — the US and the UK should outperform the rest of Europe and Japan .
29 In early 1990 only five per cent of children in care in Flanders were using such services ( Lammertyn and Antoons , 1990 ) .
30 And schools in Thame are to get more help encouraging pupils to play more football under the Oxford United School Community Programme .
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